Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@darrene no Mode found is the expected behaviour, you can also Enable debug:true this will give You an debug log
@strawberry-3.141 Thanks for following this up. That debug switch is a handy one to know :)
I’m now running with debug enabled and pouring over the debug log. Forcing a revisit of that portion of the config.js was the best thing I could have done - I realised that I’d left my Microphone testing value set incorrectly before catching some sleep.
Now that I’ve reset that to ‘1’ - my actual microphone value, as reported by the installer, I no longer get an error.log generated or the onscreen error icon - just the No Mode Detected which is the resting state without debug and an additional ‘undefined’ with debug
This leads me to believe my problem is a Raspian/hardware one, rather than with the module - If I go into the audio device settings in the desktop, I can see my Logitech USB microphone (ALSA mixer) in the selectable sound cards but am unable to make it the default, which stays as bcm2835 ALSA.
If I try arecord to test the mic from the terminal, I get
“arecord: main:682: audio open error No such file or directory”however, if I use 'arecord -D plughw:1,0 test.wav
I get a great wav file recording. Could this be related in some way? I don’t know enough about the code to poke around for the microphone details at this level, to figure out how the installer maps the input device values
@darrene you’re all good. just try to say your keyword and voice. then you switch from no mode detected to voice mode
i will propably change that message because you’re not the first one who is confused about no mode detected
Everyone can send me private messages to debug this module when he/she has a problem, we will then post the result here for everyone.
To sum up from the private messages I receive, I see a lot of people having issues, because they run the installer multiple times. Make sure you
remove ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-voice/node_modules
, before you run the installer script again. -
Thank you! All good - I’m now gong through the words.json - fabulous!
At present I try to install the MMM-voice module. I have everything done like it is written in the readme file on Github. Everthing is fine till step3 (installing Pocketsphinx. There is this error:
In a second try I try what @Nonamexp say (…I’ve tried the command ‘sudo chmod 777 /opt /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-voice’ and than ‘bash’ and it works!) BUT that didn’t work by me. Can someone explain me what happend and what I could do?
Greets gismo
@gismo2006 this sounds for me that you run the installer more than once right? There is a condition if the directory pocketsphinx exists do git pull and it seems that the branch doesn’t exist anymore. so try to delete the pocketsphinx directory and the node_modules directory in MMM-voice if you have one
@strawberry-3-141 Hi, sorry, but no :-) What Happyend at my First try. Then I try what @Nonamexp post and then I Try your installer again… there are the same problem.
But just in this moment durring I write this, I think you wasn`t wrong. I remember I have tested some days ago Alexander and Steven Hicksons Suite. And there I have to install it.
I will test, what you write today evening and will post an answer.
Thank you for your helping :-)
@gismo2006 delete pocketsphinx, sphinxbase and ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-voice/node_modules directories and run the installer again, otherwise write me a private message and we will get this running
This post is deleted! -
I have tested your post an I will say Thnks!!! It has install correctly… Now i will test the module.But I have a little question, too. On Github I see some translation files for Englich and German. But how can I use your module in German? Have I antything to chance in module code?
greets gismo