Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Samwise said in MMM-GooglePhotos:
/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
npm ERR! file shThat seems not related to module itself. Your environment seems missing some dependency.
Try to this.sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4
@Samwise said in MMM-GooglePhotos:
try this from a terminal window
sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4
version 2.7.1 is pretty old…
edit the package.json file and change
"start"."sh ./"
check to see if is in the ~/MagicMirror folder, if not then do
cd ~/MagicMirror cule -sL > chmod +x
Show me your configuration of MMM-GooglePhotos. -
I just updated to the latest And my photos stopped displaying. Anyone else have this issue?
I just get Loading…
@orayoflighto open the developers window ctrl-shift-i on the keyboard, select the console tab and scroll up for any errors
did u also run npm install in the MMM-GooglePhotos folder?
@Sean I commented out autoInfoPosition because it seemed to break when I turned that on. The showWidth/showHeight match the screen resolution showing on the dekstop.
{ module: "MMM-GooglePhotos", position: "fullscreen_below", config: { albums: ["NixPlay","MM-Family2"], // Set your album name. like ["My wedding", "family share", "Travle to Paris"] updateInterval: 1000 * 60, // minimum 10 seconds. sort: "random", // "old", "random" uploadAlbum: null, // Only album created by `create_uploadable_album.js`. condition: { fromDate: null, // Or "2018-03", RFC ... format available toDate: null, // Or "2019-12-25", minWidth: null, // Or 400 maxWidth: null, // Or 8000 minHeight: null, // Or 400 maxHeight: null, // Or 8000 minWHRatio: null, maxWHRatio: null, // WHRatio = Width/Height ratio ( ==1 : Squared Photo, < 1 : Portraited Photo, > 1 : Landscaped Photo) }, showWidth: 1680, // These values will be used for quality of downloaded photos to show. real size to show in your MagicMirror region is recommended. showHeight: 1050, timeFormat: "relative", //"YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm", // Or `relative` can be used. //autoInfoPosition: true, } },
Hi @Sean,
thanks for the great update. I want to hide the blurred background and did addGPHOTO_BACK { display:none; } #GPHOTO_INFO { display:none; }
to my custom.css but it the blurred background is still there. For the info tab it did work and it disappeared. What am I missing?
You’ve missed#
@Sean Any idea what’s going on with the info box?