Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Installing on a Pi Zero
@qu1que Thanks for the link! Glad I’m not the only looking into this problem, hopefully we can get electron 3 working on the pi zero. but updating the package.json electron to “^2.0.0” will install 2.0.18 and will work with latest version of magic mirror
can you explain in detail how to do it? I’m new and have the same problem
@liamangelus git clone the mm repo from GitHub.
Then edit the package.json file and change the number behind electron to the string mentioned above “^2.0.0”Then follow the manual install steps from the readme
After editing the electron version in the package.json as ^ 2.0.0, I will apply the other steps in the same way. If I encounter a problem I would like to help you again. Thanx a lot.
That works for me. Thanks!
Again the same problem when updating to 2.8.0 version
@qu1que yes, sadly the electron folks have not provided updates for pi zero
looks like changing the electron version to “^2.0.0” isn;t working anymore as it tries to intsall 1.8.0 and it gets the following error. Any idea why it isn’t looking for the version in the package.json file? thanks!
“Error: Failed to find Electron v1.8.0 for linux-armv6l at”
Solve it like this: “npm install --arch=armv7l”