Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Mobile app (bachelor thesis)
Just completed my survey - hope it’s not too late to get involved!
Hi, thank you for this.
As i put the Module “MMM-Mobile” at the very last module on the end of the
, all my module were started in a new order so that the modules was on different locations.My
was modified like this sample:/* Magic Mirror Config Sample * * By Michael Teeuw * MIT Licensed. */ var config = { port: 8080, // address: "", ipWhitelist: [ "", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:", ], language: 'de', timeFormat: 24, units: 'metric', modules: [ { module: 'alert', classes: 'small bright', // Add your own styling. Optional. disabled: false, }, { .......
and so on. That means, the hole config structure was damaged and in one line.
Has anyone else this issue?
After restoring the old config.js from the backup that your module was creating, the right module order was again ok.
After that i put the “MMM-Mobile” module at first module in my config and my mirror works like before.
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
Same issue! Attempting your solution now. Thank you!
Looks to me like the config.js rebuild is happening when the user runs npm install, regardless of where I place the MMM-Mobile module.
Has anyone reached a mail from apple?
@lolobyte said in Mobile app (bachelor thesis):
ohh, reallly.
But is it necessary to run npm install again?
That is exactly what I am struggling with. I’ve only managed to generate a QR code on screen twice, both times after running the npm install. So basically right now I can only get a QR code after scrambling my config.js file. But it’s totally possible I’m doing something wrong too.
There is a preinstall script (which gets executed right before npm install) which reorders the modules by region, but the display module order keeps the same, to enable easy reordering in the app.
Formatting of the config will reoccur in the next version.
The only possible way to reshow the qr-code is by deleting the mobile.json file (this will make all pairings obsolete) or you scan the qr image in the module directory.
About 10 iOS users have installed the app, so if you didn’t receive a mail by apple you can send me your mail again via pm and i will add you to the beta testing.
Please use github issues as it is the better tracker and overview for others with the same issues as you have done already
@lolobyte personal message
it requires at least iOS 8 just wanted to say that 10 people have received the mail by apple