Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic mirror first try (France, ~Lille)
Yes, I lt you find answers by yourself ;)Try some different conf and i’m sure you’ll find the one that you need !
Regards -
Yeah, I’m not so sure. I can’t get it to work :)
@mmourcia , bravo pour votre installation !
J’ai débuté hier et ai bcp encore à découvrir mais votre exemple m’encourage
J’ai enfin pu connecter mon agenda apple et ça m’a pris qq heures… :)
bonne journée
damien -
Tant mieux si cela vous aide ! -
It is in fact the index of the module in your conf. You must guess it
Guess it? Index of the module, is that the modules position within config.js?
Could you give me a hint to find that number?
Maybe you could useMODULE_ACTION
of remote module.=>
That will return all informations about your modules including their names.
Thanks man. I think I’ll keep the feed open for the camera and use the MMM-Sounds for notification when someone pushes the button. That is, if I can get it to work :)
But a nice way to get the module data, thanks!