Hey to all,
Just because i spent a lot of time looking for this info : how to synchronize my icloud calendar and MM2
This is my solution :
in the default module calendar :
just use the URL iCloud gives you when you make your calendar public but using https instead of “webcal…”… so this should like this : “https://gt551_caldav.icould.com/published/88/xxxxxxxxxxxx…”
hope this could help someone :-)
French version :
Pour ceux qui cherchent à afficher l’agenda partagé de leur Mac ou iPac, etc, vous pouvez utiliser l’adresse que donne iCould lorsque vous rendez public l’agenda.
Entrer alors l’adresse sous la forme : “https://gt551_caldav.icould.com/published/88/xxxxxxxxxxxx…” (sans le “webcal…”)
bonne utilisation :)