@Stoffbeuteluwe THANKS but dont work :
cd ~\MagicMirror
git pull
thanks dude, i have another problem, i want to install a command voice but idont know whats is the error…
i check the config
Checking file… /home/pi/MagicMirror/config/config.js
Line 117 col 10 Expected ‘}’ to match ‘{’ from line 102 and instead saw ‘]’.
Line 118 col 6 Expected ‘]’ to match ‘[’ from line 28 and instead saw ‘;’.
Line 121 col 1 Expected ‘}’ to match ‘{’ from line 11 and instead saw ‘if’.
Line 121 col 4 Bad invocation.
Line 121 col 35 Missing semicolon.
AND this are the line:
module: "MMM-Snow",
position: "fullscreen_above",
config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
flakeCount: 100,
theme: "winter",
module: "MMM-Voice-Commands",
config: {
debug: false, //Displays end results and errors from annyang in the Log
autoStart: true, //Adds annyang commands when it first starts
activateCommand: "hello mirror", //Command to active all other commands
deactivateCommand: "goodbye mirror", //Command to deactivate all other commands
alertHeard: false, //Whether an alert should be shown when annyang hears a phrase (mostly for debug)
commands: {
"command statement :variable (optional statement)": "SOCKET_NOTIFICATION_NAME",
//The payload of the socket notification will be whatever is said in the :variable
"command statement *variable": function(param){ < ---- start
alert("Whatever is said in the *variable space is given as the "+param);
//These function's 'this' are bound to the module's 'this' so you can do stuff like:
this.sendNotification("PAGE_SELECT", "2");
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}