@MMRIZE singapore with english. i would want the general general data format to be dd mm yyyy and sunday is the start of the week.
so i tried setting in cx3 config locale = en-gb or en-sg, and nothing’s changed…
@MMRIZE singapore with english. i would want the general general data format to be dd mm yyyy and sunday is the start of the week.
so i tried setting in cx3 config locale = en-gb or en-sg, and nothing’s changed…
Hi all, need help changing the date format here please.
I’m running mmm calendarext3 ( with the default calendar hidden) and ext3agenda (with the default calendar showing holiday).
My date is currently November 30. Am trying to get it to show 30 November across the board.
I have tried changing time format to absolute and changing date format to desire but nothing works.
Next tried changing the locale to say FR, the date format changed but it’s in French.
Any ideas?
@MMRIZE I left my mirror on with the background. Will it auto reset on its own or down I have to disable the module and enable and restart the mirror tml? I assumed letting it sit there with a black background and let it auto refresh is fine?
When does scanning happen? When you start mirror in that instant? Suppose I’m editing css and I hit refresh, that refresh state will trigger a scanning?
I’m on a 30 sec interval, so 1 day it can show 2880 images right? Then when does call comes in?
How is it that I hit the quota so fast? Could it be the “refresh”?
hi all
my mmm google photo is not showing anything in the magicmirror.
this is the error code -
[26.11.2023 01:38.28.391] [ERROR] [GPHOTOS:CORE] response.data:
{“error”:{“code”:429,“message”:“Quota exceeded for quota metric ‘All requests’ and limit ‘All requests per day’ of service ‘photoslibrary.googleapis.com’ for consumer ‘project_number:524777145159’.”,“status”:“RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED”,“details”:[{“@type”:“type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",“reason”:“RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED”,“domain”:“googleapis.com”,“metadata”:{“quota_location”:“global”,“quota_limit_value”:“10000”,“quota_limit”:“ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay”,“consumer”:“projects/524777145159”,“service”:“photoslibrary.googleapis.com”,“quota_metric”:“photoslibrary.googleapis.com/all_requests”}},{“@type”:“type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help”,“links”:[{“description”:"Request a higher quota limit.”,“url”:“https://cloud.google.com/docs/quota#requesting_higher_quota”}]}]}}
seems like a quota thing? what do i need to do fix this?
@sdetweil thank you! that fix it. i needed quite a long time to remediate them haha
@sdetweil lol so dead. no idea what i changed in main.css and module css :(
@sdetweil hmmm, i have been editing in the module css instead of the custom css. any undesirable consequences? also, whats the button to press for refresh? i keep doing ctrl c and npm start for refresh.
THANK YOU both! the gap body code is exactly what i needed and bitvise helps a plenty!
Sam, do you mean i copy the code over from pi to pc > then simulate pc to run the mirror in dev mode and edit the css on the pc > then copy the css code from pc back to pi?
@MMRIZE thanks for that. It’s such a pain trying to figure out the css on the pi.
I’m currently in the midst of installing mm on my windows pc. And I will scp to copy all the modules and css to pc, then open dev and edit the css accordingly before using the pi and scp copy back the css file.
Is this the fastest and easiest way to go about doing this? If there’s a better route, do let me know.