I created a dreambox module for streaming to MM and play recordings at MM. Try my module MMM-Dreambox.
If you like you can fork and modify it to your needs.
I created a dreambox module for streaming to MM and play recordings at MM. Try my module MMM-Dreambox.
If you like you can fork and modify it to your needs.
See english tex below.
Was genau geht mit MMM-pages nicht?
Was ich auf die schnelle sehe ist dass 4 Seiten mit deiner config für 2 Seiten nicht geht. Gruß AxLED
What part of MMM-pages isnt working?
On a quick check i see that 4 pages doesnt match to your config for 2 sites.
See english text below
ja MMM-Navigate überwacht “nur” die GPIO Pins deines Raspberry auf EIngaben eines Rotary Encoders und kann dann über das Notification System des Magic Mirror Befehle absetzen. Die Befehle funktionieren aber nur, wenn das zugehörige Modul diese erhält und verarbeitet.
Bsp. (Befehl / empfangendes Modul)
/ MMM-Pages
Test es mal mit News - mehr Details
, sollte funktionieren, da News ein Standardmodul des MM ist.
yes MMM-Navigate “only” monitors the GPIO pins of your Raspberry for inputs of a Rotary Encoder and can then send commands via the Magic Mirror Notification System. However, the commands only work if the associated module receives and processes them.
** Example (Command / receiving module) **
{notification: 'PAGE_INCREMENT', payload: ''}
/ MMM-Pages
Test it with News - more details
, should work, because news is a standard module of MM.
English Text see below
welches Modul benutzt du um verschiedene Seiten anzuzeigen?
Ich habe MMM-Pages im Einsatz, damit geht auch mein Mustercode im Modul MMM-Navigate.
which module do you use to display different pages?
I use MMM-Pages, so my sample code in the module MMM-Navigate works.
No, it never worked satisfieing for me. Thats the reason i wrote the MMM-Navigate Module for using a rotary encoder for interaction with mm.
You are logged in as root
, did you try with logged in as pi
I am using the module MMM-PIR-Sensor and a physical PIR-Sensor, which works great.
What is shown if you type pm2 list
in a terminal?
Normally you call pm2 start mm
or pm2 start MagicMirror
, depends on the name listed with pm2 list
As you are operating your mm in portrait mode, maybe it is an performance issue.
Here is a link you can try https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/9707/save-performance-when-rotating-screen-e-g-on-raspberry-pi
Maybe this helps.