@Davido nope nothing is interacting with my assistantmk2 module.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Posts made by bachoo786
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
RE: Mobile app (bachelor thesis)
@strawberry-3-141 Hey I would love to try the app can you please send it to me also? I have sent you my email address in a private message.
Thank you.
RE: MMM-Assistantmk2 and MMM-Hotword not picking up
@ejay-ibm thanks for the quick reply.
you have notifications in your config, what is it for? can you please explain? thanks.
RE: MMM-Hotword being on all the time (also MMM-AssistantMk2)
Hi @CarstenD
Can you please tel me what does this part of your config do?
triggers:[ { trigger: "HOTWORD_DETECTED", fires: [ { fire:"HOTWORD_PAUSE", }, { fire:"ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE", delay: 200, payload: function(payload) { return { "profile": payload.hotword }
RE: MMM-Assistantmk2 and MMM-Hotword not picking up
Hi @ejay-ibm
I managed to get assistantmk2 and hotword working and everything is fine. However I will be grateful if you could please help me with the following queries:
1). When i say jarvis or smart mirror, the assistantmk2 module takes 1 to 2 seconds to respond i.e. the ding bell I mean after which I can ask any question. How can I remove this lag and make it instant? I have seen other people dont have this issue.
2). How do I get the assistantmk2 to play youtube videos on my mirror by asking it to play something from youtube?
3). Finally can I change the hotword from “jarvis” to say “ok google”?
This is my config:
{ module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_right", config: { deviceLocation: { coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device to get localized information like weather or time. (ref. mygeoposition.com) latitude: 51.597442, // -90.0 - +90.0 longitude: -0.338839, // -180.0 - +180.0 } }, record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "default", }, play: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section. playProgram: "mpg321", // recommended. }, notifications: { ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_RESUME", }, } }, { module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "default", }, autostart:true, onDetected: { notification: function (payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE" }, payload: function (payload){ return { profile: payload.hotword } } }, }, },
Also you have notifications in your config, what is it for? can you please explain? thanks.
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
Hi @Sean
So I managed to get it working and everything is fine. However I will be grateful if you could please help me with the following queries:
1). When i say jarvis or smart mirror, the assistantmk2 module takes 1 to 2 seconds to respond i.e. the ding bell I mean after which I can ask any question. How can I remove this lag and make it instant? I have seen other people dont have this issue.
2). How do I get the assistantmk2 to play youtube videos on my mirror by asking it to play something from youtube?
This is my config:
{ module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_right", config: { deviceLocation: { coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device to get localized information like weather or time. (ref. mygeoposition.com) latitude: 51.597442, // -90.0 - +90.0 longitude: -0.338839, // -180.0 - +180.0 } }, record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "default", }, play: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section. playProgram: "mpg321", // recommended. }, notifications: { ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_RESUME", }, } }, { module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "default", }, autostart:true, onDetected: { notification: function (payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE" }, payload: function (payload){ return { profile: payload.hotword } } }, }, },
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
@Sean I have installed assistantmk2 correctly and have also installed hotword. However I get a blank screen but when I say ok google everything works fine.
I have already been through the “electron-rebuild” step, this is what I did:
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2 $ npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild + electron-rebuild@1.8.4 updated 1 package and audited 617 packages in 12.623s found 0 vulnerabilities pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2 $ ./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild ✔ Rebuild Complete
but still no joy.
and this is what I have in my config.js
{ module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_right", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1", }, notifications: { ASSISTANT_ACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED: "HOTWORD_RESUME", }, } }, { module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1", }, autostart:true, onDetected: { notification: function (payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE" }, payload: function (payload){ return { profile: payload.hotword } } }, }, },
what I did notice that if I was to remove the MMM-Hotword from my config i.e. the last part of the code i.e.
{ module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1", }, autostart:true, onDetected: { notification: function (payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE" }, payload: function (payload){ return { profile: payload.hotword } } }, }, },
the mirror starts working fine.
Also in the hotword git I have followed all the possible solutions and also the main one which is :
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Hotword/node_modules/snowboy
nano package.json ## Or open the file with any TEXT editor
Then, find this and replace From“node-pre-gyp”: “^0.6.30”
To“node-pre-gyp”: “^0.12.0”
Then retry npm install again in the module directory again.I have no joy buddy. Please help me
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
@sean hello mate
i want to install google assistant on my rpi 3b+. i have connected a bluetooth speaker and was wondering if it would work? i have tried in the past with my rpi2b but couldnt just install assistant.
also is there a ste[ by step guide on how to install assistant?
many thanks god bless.