That’s what happens :
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-GroveGestures/py
gesture_print.py grove_gesture_sensor.pyc
grove_gesture_sensor.py grove_gesture_sensor.py.RPI
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
I have to make this command every start of the pi, knowing that I do not start the MM automatically (pmm2) time to set everything (npm start).
I’ll be watching tonight with
ls ~ / MagicMirror / modules / MMM-GroveGestures / py -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
it’s weird; the sensor is not active if I do not order:cd ~ / MagicMirror / modules / MMM-GroveGestures / py
cp grove_gesture_sensor.py.RPI grove_gesture_sensor.pywould not it come from “chmod + x * .sh” where I hurt something? …
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
I will explore this track.
Thanks to you ; you already helped me a lot! -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
Hello @Sean,
I will look at this in more detail in the module.
Thank you again for your work. -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
Hello @bolish,
thanks to you! everything is working!
however, I thought Grove Gestures would activate automatically, but I have to make the command line for the sensor to be active:
cd ~ / MagicMirror / modules / MMM-GroveGestures / py
cp grove_gesture_sensor.py.RPI grove_gesture_sensor.py
Is this normal?
Another question about MMM-Pages; I would like to display the Google Calendar calendar on page 1 and the holiday calendar on page 2, but I do not know how to differentiate and name them on MMM-Pages …
Do you have an idea? -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
I will try tonight the adaptation I made of your script.
I put the action “MONITOROFF” in the “Default_Mode” part of Grove Gestures, that’s it? -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
thank you
when you say: “But you need to make sure that MMM-REMOTEControl is configured in the right way”, when I send the request http://192.168.xxx.xxx:8080…MONITOROFF, it works.
is that enough, or do I have to add something to the MMM-Remote-Control script? -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
I see in your MMM-notificationtrigger module that you have a MONITOROFF action.
I imagine that we can associate a gesture command in Grove Gestures, for example: I make the gesture high, it turns on the screen.
I would like to do that but I do not understand how to integrate it into Grove Gestures …
If I do :“UP”: {
notificationExec: {
notification: “REMOTE_ACTION”,
payload: {
action: “MONITORON”,
module: “MMM-Remote-Control”,
}And in MMM-notificationtrigger:
// MONITOR_ON - turns screen on
trigger: “MONITOR_ON”,
fires: [
payload: {
action: “MONITORON”,
module: “MMM-Remote-Control”,
}is it good?..