@lavolp3 thanks, it’s worth giving it a trial I believe. It could maybe be sufficient. Just need to figure out the options & parameters to play with to get it done.
I will give it a trial.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Default Calendar - Sub-headers "Today" / "Tomorrow" / "Coming Next"
Default Calendar - Sub-headers "Today" / "Tomorrow" / "Coming Next"
Hi all,
I would like to have sub headers or sub categories within the default calendar module to make the split between today / tomorrow / coming next more visible / obvious (maily for my kids when looking at the Mirror and trying to understand what is the today’s Schedule)
I first tried with 3 different instances of calendar module with different options (maxNumberOfDays) but I’m facing the issue where “maximumNumberOfDays” parameter from second instance is overwriting the parameter from the first instance and everything is screwn up as all 3 instances then have the same list of events…
Refer to : Default Calendar Multiple instancesI decided to create this new post to highlight to the real & initial need behind and see if someone could help by creating those sub-headers / category as maybe others could be interested.
RE: {HowTo} turn on/off your monitor (Time based, PIR/Button, App)
OK, I will then try myself when I will receive my stuff and let forums knows if working or not.
RE: {HowTo} turn on/off your monitor (Time based, PIR/Button, App)
@sdetweil Maybe you’re right! I didn’t considered that.
But seems possible, correct? By changing the actual commands to the ones defined by the libcec librairy?
RE: {HowTo} turn on/off your monitor (Time based, PIR/Button, App)
Hello there,
I’m currently planning my project and will integrate PIR sensor + related 2.1 method through HDMI.There is one thing confusing me :
- we talk about HDMI CEC in method 2.1
- nevertheless, it seems the PIR Sensor module is “only” turning HDMI output off and that is triggering "issues such as “powersaving / no input”.
But is HDMI CEC not allowing us to send a “turn screen off” command to the monitor instead of disabling the rasp. HDMIoutput and relying / hoping on the monitor’s behaviour?
Sorry once more if I mssed the point, but would like to understand before moving forward.
Default Calendar // Multiple caldendar instances overwritting each other..(maximumNumberOfDays)
Hi there,
I don’t exactly what I’m doing wrong or if the issue comes from the module itself.
My issue :
I’m running 3 instances of the default calendar.
In some case, the 3 calendars instances are pointing to the same calendars URL, nevertheless, I want the 3 instances to have a different “maximumNumberOfDays” config.The “maximumNumberOfDays” of instance 1 is overwritten by the 2 second instance settings, and so on…Making my wish to have different setups impossible as all the 3 instances are using same “maximumNumberOfDays”.
You will find my code hereunder, help would be highly appreciated!!
{ disabled: false, module: "calendar", header: "Aujourd'hui", position: "top_left", config: { timeFormat: "absolute", maximumNumberOfDays: 1, excludedEvents: [], calendars: [ { // Anniversaires symbol: "birthday-cake", url: "https://1.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 }, { // Calendrier Fabrice symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://2.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 }, { // Calendrier Audrey symbol: "calendar-check-o", url: "https://3.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 }, { // Calendrier Férié symbol: "flag", url: "https://4.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 }, { // Vacances Scolaires symbol: "sun", url: "http://www.5.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 }, { // Repas symbol: "utensils", url: "https://6.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 1 } ], } }, { disabled: true, module: "calendar", header: "Demain", position: "top_left", config: { timeFormat: "absolute", maximumNumberOfDays: 2, excludedEvents: [], calendars: [ { // Anniversaires symbol: "birthday-cake", url: "https://1.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 }, { // Calendrier Fabrice symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://2", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 }, { // Calendrier Audrey symbol: "calendar-check-o", url: "https://3.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 }, { // Calendrier Férié symbol: "flag", url: "https://4.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 }, { // Vacances Scolaires symbol: "sun", url: "http://5.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 }, { // Repas symbol: "utensils", url: "https://6.ics", maximumNumberOfDays: 2 } ], } }, { disabled: false, module: "calendar", header: "Evénements à venir", position: "top_left", config: { timeFormat: "absolute", maximumNumberOfDays: 62, excludedEvents: ["Poney"], calendars: [ { // Anniversaires symbol: "birthday-cake", url: "https://1.ics", //maximumNumberOfDays: 62 }, { // Calendrier Fabrice symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://2.ics", //maximumNumberOfDays: 62 }, { // Calendrier Audrey symbol: "calendar-check-o", url: "https://3.ics", //maximumNumberOfDays: 62 }, { // Calendrier Férié symbol: "flag", url: "https://4.ics", //maximumNumberOfDays: 62 }, { // Vacances Scolaires symbol: "sun", url: "http://5.ics", //maximumNumberOfDays: 62 } ], } },
NOTE : it seems that the issue was already pointed out on Github, and MichMich even stating that this could be easy to solve, but I clearly have no clue how…
GitHub Issue #1109Anyway, really hope someone could support my need…
Thanks in advance
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
Thanks for the answer and the additional “sequence” tip. Let’s follow up on GitHub post if needed.
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
Hi @Sean ,
I was wondering if the module would be able to handle 2 identical PAJ7620u2 sensors?
Not talking about combining both (maybe an idea for later), but just giving the user the possibility to have 2 times more interactions with modules by putting one sensor on right side of the Mirror and the other on left side for example.
I’m currently building my mm project and I’ve to be honest, I would love that!!