Hi @Cr4z33
Which MirrorView glass did you use? the normal version or the 50/50?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: 55" LED TV Cr4z33 Mirror
RE: Getting Google Contacts birthdays into Calendar
@MwMagicMirror Happy it helped someone!!
What do you mean by “was outside the loop”? Can you please show me the mistake?
Tx -
RE: Getting Google Contacts birthdays into Calendar
Hi @MwMagicMirror ,
I didn’t got this specific error on my side but I got another one :
- Mine was “too much invokes for one day” : I reduce the “every 2 hours triggers” to once a day + modified the time range from +/-400 to something less (copying before today date was useless)
For your error, indeed, I’ve read somewhere on google that implementing a “sleep timer” between invokes could solve it.
I just tried that and it works on my side (I don’t know if it will solve your issue as I don’t got the same) :
function Sync_Birth_Cal() { // Calendars adress (ID) var calendarSource = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("ID1"); var calendarDestination = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("ID2"); // Start and End Date definition var Today = new Date(); var StartDeleteDate = new Date(); var EndDeleteDate = new Date(); var StartCopyDate = new Date(); var EndCopyDate = new Date(); StartDeleteDate.setDate(Today.getDate()-10); EndDeleteDate.setDate(Today.getDate()+70); StartCopyDate.setDate(Today.getDate()-2); EndCopyDate.setDate(Today.getDate()+60); // first deletes all datas in calendar var eventToDelete = calendarDestination.getEvents(StartDeleteDate, EndDeleteDate); for (var i = 0; i < eventToDelete.length; i++) { eventToDelete[i].deleteEvent(); Utilities.sleep(1000); /// add a timer } // then copy everything again var eventToCopy = calendarSource.getEvents(StartCopyDate, EndCopyDate); for (var t in eventToCopy){ var newEvent = calendarDestination.createEvent(eventToCopy[t].getTitle(), eventToCopy[t].getStartTime(), eventToCopy[t].getEndTime()); Utilities.sleep(1000); // add a timer } }
RE: My hallway 27" MagicMirror! (Sweden)
Hi @Wuz0ink
I really like the project, and the frame is…waoo!Which Mirrorview glass did you took? normal one of 50/50 version one?
RE: MMM-Assistantmk2 - SET default Question & Answers with voice response
Just go to your IFTTT account, create a Google Assistant trigger / applet…
Did you at least searched or tried something with IFTTT befaore asking again?
Open the browser, go on Google, search for IFTTT, create an account, click on “create a trigger”, search for Google assistant…
And don’t forget to close your browser, turn the light off when you leave the room. -
RE: MMM-Assistantmk2 - SET default Question & Answers with voice response
Indeed, it seems gAction is the natural way to do it.
If it’s just for playing like simple default question and simple default answer :
“Who is the best” : “It’s you Sir”.
Then, I’m doing it with IFTTT and it works perfect. Very simple… -
RE: MMM-GroveGestures
You have to search a bit on the forum.
One idea could be to create 2 calendars instances.
See below post extract :well… I believe it’s far from being perfect…but at least it seems to do the job… I created a “new” module which does exactly same / has the same code as the one I want to use, but has a different name (folder named “MMM-Calendar2” -> file named “MMM-Calendar2.js” -> within the line Module.register(‘MMM_Calendar2’)). Not in the default module folder but into the 3rd party module folder…
And put instance 1 on page 1 and isntance 2 on page 2.