Hey all. I am hoping someone can shed some light on calendar event time display for the default calendar module. I have pasted the code below and while I can get the events to show an absolute date, that is as far as I can get. changing dateFormat seems to do nothing. I have referenced Moment.js as noted in the documentation.

Maybe there is something fundamental I am not understanding? What I want, is to see the day of the week and the time for an event. For example: NameOfEvent Tue April 28th 10:00 AM

Here is the code, with some redaction on the ical address.

{ module: "calendar", header: "Family Calendar", position: "top_left", config: { maximumNumberOfDays: 21, getRelative: 0, urgency: 0, timeFormat: "absolute", dateFromat: "ddd MMM Do HH:mm", calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar", url: "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/----------/basic.ics" }, ] }

But this results in the following display:

Despite get relative being set to 0, it is still showing the closest event as relative and the following are dates only. Any thoughts?