@sdetweil that worked, thank you so much!!! just a few more questons, do you know how to flip the magic mirror the other way?
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
@sdetweil k i did that and it was still a blank screen, so i stoped it and did pm2 logs --lines=50 and got this
also would it be worth a try to just completely delete everything and then start from scratch?
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
@sdetweil i installed it manually, and no it didnt
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
@sdetweil k i rebooted, then i started it up. nothing came up, still a blank screen so i did pm2 stop all and then did pm2 logs --lines=50 and these came up
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
@sdetweil whoops…
ok is did pm2 stop all and then entered that line of code you gave me and got this -
RE: Magic mirror is not showing up
@sdetweil after i installed electron@17.2.0 then started it, this came up
then i did start pm2 start 4, and it started, but was still a blank screen