Hello, Further to my other post about getting FB Birthdays in MM default calendar, with Symbol birthday cake - Thank you @yawns
I have iCal to my Google Calendar, and initialy wanted certain events to have certain icons, and possibly color differently? but even with this suggestion from Sean, im still confused after looking at my Google Calendar settings
You might have already a few calendars in Google Calendar(if you use, or any other calendar like OSX Calendar or Office Calendar…). they might be home, work,…
Like them, you can make a new calendar for your special events like My Families birthdays or Fitness schedule or any others.
Then you can add it in default Calendar module.
In default calendar module, you can set the color and symbol of events per calendar. So you should separate calendars for the different styles.
I have no idea of how to make another seperate calendar group within my Google ical, and to then add that to MM default calendar if that is what is meant above, as only my default Google calendar shows up in MM default calendar. (along with the sepearate one from FB Birthdays)
for testing I tried adding 2 others underneath my calendar within Google, Birthdays and Reminders, but nothing changes, they cannot be manipulated?
So I try looking on font awesome, and see there the icon names that I can use next to symbol, like birthday cake, and know now to use whatever name there to produce that icon - eg: symbol cc-paypal would include a square paypal icon.
now I get adventurous and see Spinner icons, which would be ideal to highlight an important event, so look at examples and see what needs to be entered, but I cannot see where to enter this? where would I enter this code?
I do a search on here and find an example I can understand for css
.fa.fa-calendar {
color: #ffff00; /* Yellow */
.fa.fa-birthday-cake {
color: #ff0000; /* Red */
.fa.fa-calendar-check-o {
color: #ff00ff; /* Magenta */
and from that, I assume I can change the icon, but every icon in default calendar will change, (apart from my FB as that is seperate,) and change the colour to that default calendar icons will be the same?
so summing up what I think so far is this, I would need to source out several different calendars, enter certain events into one, get the ical for it and place this in my config.js along with default and FB, change their icons and color in css ? then sign up for another seperate calendar, and do the same? Is there no other way to manipulate one to change certain weekly events icons and color? Every week I have the same certain events, and would like each event with its own icon and own color.
sorry for long post but it was only way to explain what I wanted to be seen in my calendar