I had the same issue.
For me was the solution to increase the capture interval time from 100ms to 1000ms.
With the default value of 100ms the overall systemload is to high and one of the two electron processes will use after some time around 85% of the memory. At that value the system slows down extremely and the memory swap process will take all cpu ressources while trying to free up physical memory.
And then anything can happen … (white screen, unresponsive, ENOMEM exceptions, …)
Go to motiondetector.js and search for this code part:
video: video,
motionCanvas: canvas,
Add the following line to change the default capture interval time of 100ms to 1000ms:
video: video,
captureIntervalTime: 1000,
motionCanvas: canvas,
Observe the two electron processes and they will not reach memory values higher than 30%.