Nice work.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast
then why is height doing nothing ?.MMM-OpenWeatherForecast .module-content { width: 400px; height: 400px; }
RE: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast
@sdetweil To take the entire right side then do it with css?
position right or left do make the entire MMM-OpenWeatherForecast module disappear.
How do i make it fill the entire right side ?
I tried to use custom css and added height but no change. -
Wireless sensor
what Wireless sensor do you folks use for outdoor weather to the mirror ?
RE: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecas display problem
@sdetweil the main weather module, default out of the box does not have precipitation % on today either!
I bet that is the issue. -
RE: Newbie Questions
@raspberrypi9 I consider myself new and have designed on a pi. I am using a standard small monitor but I have seen others with photos as you describe.
RE: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecas display problem
@sdetweil I tired on and off as well as table and titled. Participation % doesn’t appear in today.
Disregard the tightness and moon hitting weather. This is my remote view. -
MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecas display problem
i installed MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast. The today precipitation % is not available. It is in the other dates and in the hourly.
{ module: "MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast", position: "bottom_right", header: "weather", classes: "default everyone", disabled: false, config: { apikey: "Key", latitude: 40.***, longitude: -74.***, units: "imperial", concise: true, iconset: "4c", colored: true, showHourlyForecast: false } },