Bien heureux de t’aider si tu veux. Je suis italien mais je parle francais. Meme si c’est seulement pour traduire ;-)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: mmm assistant mk2
RE: mmm assistant mk2
Hi @Bugsounet thanks !
Your work is really appreciated.
I wish I knew js to help.
However if you need polite and Linux expert beamta testers or simply financial contribution please let me know. -
RE: How to add mk2 assistant to the magic mirror
First Thanks for your work.
Whatever your choice I respect it.
People please remember nothing is due in os and , more in general , education comes first .Now people go implement your assistants by yourself .
RE: mm-pir-hide-all
@Nususu hi i have a microwave sensor too is the resistance mod needed? I do not want to reopen the mirror…
RE: [WANTED] new ownership of modules.
First and foremost : take care of your health .
Thank you for all your modules and, even more for your fantastic availability to support them.
The foundafions were good but you made this a building more then others.
I had the priviledge to interact with you in the passed and i can say that it is rare to find this kind of support in professional sw.
I wish i could take on some of gour coding but i think that i woukd probably destroy rather then fix :-)So. Thank you again and bye.
Take care -
RE: MMM-Touch
@Sean Ok. I think that then if it intercepts browser touch events it will be really possible.
Right now I am trying to compile tuiokinect :-)
That would add full multitouch air gestures… so would be really fantastic with your plugin ;-) -
RE: MMM-Touch
@Sean Uhm .If I understand your touch plugin intercepts “tap” events in the OS.
If that is the case I have to find a way to simulate those in my C program.
Currently the program uses the X11 simulation functions to emit fake clicks and movement events
Is this the case?
It is really a pity that all kinect libraries of projects such as openni are really old as it is hard to find documentation. harder updated documentation.
Ideally the kinect would have a “Tuio” driver for X server so mecoming for all intent and purposes a multi touch device.
I have tried to revive that too before this was developed.
I will give it a new try. -
RE: MMM-Touch
Aha interesting Sean
Will be trying it with -
RE: Touch input examples for MM Module
Some future direction and option
Not touch but gestures