Thanks, I’ll try that tonight.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-RottenTomatoes displays awaiting update
MMM-RottenTomatoes displays awaiting update
The MMM-RottenTomatoes module has been displaying "Awaiting update for a couple of days now yet when I go and do a git pull I’m told the module is up to date. Any idea what is going on.
RE: MMM-CalendarExt2
Thanks for getting back to me so fast.Ok firstDrawingDelay and rotateInterval are both at default values while updateInterval is set to 300000.
I’ll first try setting rotateInterval to 1000 to match firstDrawingDelay to see if that fixes the problem. If that doesn’t work, I’ll experiment until I find something that does. -
RE: MMM-CalendarExt2
Experiencing a new problem. I have MMM-CalendarExt2 configured with two calendars and two views. I have one view that shows upcoming events, top_left, looking out in the next 90 days (we don’t have a lot of events at the moment) and a second view that is monthly fullscreen. Both calendars are listed in both views and have css entries to color code which calendar the event comes from.
When MM first starts up, only the first calendar appears in each view; however, when MMM-CalendarExt2 refreshes, both calendar events appear and are properly color coded. This doesn’t change unless I restart MM and then the process repeats.
Both calendars are defined exactly the same way.
Since the events in the second calendar eventually appear, I’ve ruled out potential errors in the config file.
RE: MMM-CalendarExt2
@Thekk Thanks for this, just implemented it and it work like a charm. Took me a while to find node_helper.js until I did a find on it and found it in the MMM-CalendarExt2 folder (as well as everywhere else). I’m still a noob with the RPI so not all things are obvious.
It took me no time at all to find the place to make the change and then I added the filter to the upcoming view while leaving the monthly view alone; exactly what I wanted! Thanks again.
Now just need to make sure that this gets incorporated into the next module.
RE: Calendar failed to load.
@sdetweil I suspect the module doesn’t filter out the repeated events properly and as a result it causes events not to show in the allotted space. I’ll probably just download the calendar file, edit it and put it on the local device until the published calendar is fixed. But at the end of the day, I don’t really need the MM calendar to tell me what holidays are coming up. My and my wife’s upcoming appointments are what I really need to see, so as long as those are working I don’t plan to spend a lot of time on it.
RE: Calendar failed to load.
@sdetweil This does work great with the default calendar but alas it doesn’t fix the problem with MMM-CalendarExt2. If I try to include this calendar, not only does none of the holidays show up in the monthly view, none of the events from a third calendar (my wife’s) fail to show. Only events from my calendar appear. Its only when I remove the holiday calendar (commented out) do the events from my wife’s calendar appear.
RE: Problems with my Config file
I’m not seeing anything jump out at me though I’m not familiar with all of your modules. If the config:check doesn’t show any errors, then you need to go through each module definition to make sure it is correct.
You can go through each one checking the documentation as you go or you can do what I’ve done. When I ran into a similar problem I commented out every module except one. Then one at a time I restarted MM to see if that module was defined properly until I found the offending module. Once you know the one that is causing problems, you will need to pull up the documentation for it to find out what is wrong.
When you find the offending module, now you need to check to see what is wrong with that module definition. Chances are it’s a parameter that is misspelled or not applicable or specified incorrectly.
RE: Problems with my Config file
What kind of problem are you having? Have you run:
npm run config:check
to see if there are any syntax errors?
RE: Problem with Holiday Calendar
Thanks, I just saw that and followed your guidance. I was in the process of re-posting it here when your post showed up. It did fix the basic calendar, but didn’t fix the problem with MMM-CalendarExt2 where it is one of three calendars I used to display a monthly calendar, mine, my wife’s and the holidays. The result is only my calendar is displayed and no holidays or my wife’s events. However, if I comment the holiday calendar out, both my calendar and my wife’s displays fine. I suspect the empty repeating rule messes up MMM-CalendarExt2.