@sdetweil I did not. I do not know how to or what a fork is. I am not sure if it is good enough, it looks like it is commercial quality and it works but I just kind of forced it to do what I wanted. I don’t know JavaScript or CSS, I just googled, copied, tried and guessed until it worked. Perhaps someone could try it out and then fork it if it works for them.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: What is wrong with my url?
RE: What is wrong with my url?
I have finished this now and tidied the code up (I hope it is up to standard). Below is a screenshot of the layout I went with, the changes I made to the .js file and the whole CSS file. I would like to give a lot of credit to @trgraglia who created MMM-Volumio and those who modified it before me. I hope there is enough info here for anyone who wants to create there own Volumio viewer. The position in the MagicMirror config file was top_bar.
File: modules/MMM-Volumio/MMM-Volumio.js (the bit I changed at the end)
var data = this.volumioData; var amendUrl = ""; var item = document.createElement('div'); var image = document.createElement('img'); var artists = document.createElement('div'); if (data['service'] == "mpd") { amendUrl = this.config.volumioUrl + data['albumart'];} // if local playback put volumio url + albumart url else{ amendUrl = data['albumart'];} // else if web radio just albumart url artists.className = 'text'; artists.innerHTML = '<div>' + '<br />' + data['artist'] + '<br />'; wrapper.appendChild(artists); item.className = 'smalltext' //'mmm-volumio-item'; item.innerHTML = '<div>' + data['album'] + '<div>' + '</div>' + data['title'] + '</div>';//I put 'albumart' here to prove I had the url wrapper.appendChild(item); // display artist, album and title info image.src = amendUrl; // set url to the image image.className = 'image'; wrapper.appendChild(image); // display album artwork return wrapper; } });
File: modules/MMM-Volumio/MMM-Volumio.css
.region.fullscreen.below { position: absolute; height: 100% width: 100% } .mmm-volumio-item { text-align: center; line-height: 40pt; font-size: 95%; color: LightGrey; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; border-right: 24px; } .image { position: Fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; } .text { text-align: center; line-height: 60pt; font-size: 160%; color: DimGrey; } .smalltext { text-align: center; line-height: 40pt; font-size: 100%; color: Grey; }
RE: MMM-Volumio
It was the url I was trying to use, it was missing the address of my Pi with the Volumio player at the beginning. Interestingly if I had been using the web radio option it would have worked and the radio stations logo would have appeared!
I should clean up my code now but as it is working I will leave it as is.
RE: What is wrong with my url?
Sam it was from the NAS that has all my music. I have three Pi’s, a NAS, a Volumio music player and now a Magic Mirror. The Mirror Pi got the image url from Volumio Pi and then got the image from the NAS Pi. Lots of Pi! I have fiddled with the layout and it is presentable but not finished.
RE: What is wrong with my url?
Ok it works :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: The problem was I needed to add the Raspberry Pi’ address before the album art url. Thank you very much @sdetweil for asking me a question that led to that info.
As you can see it needs to be shifted about a little to look good.
var data = this.volumioData; var item = document.createElement('div'); var amendUrl = ""; var image = document.createElement('img'); if (data['service'] == "mpd") { amendUrl = this.config.volumioUrl + data['albumart'];} // if local playback use volumio url + albumart url else{ amendUrl = data['albumart'];} // else if web radio just albumart url image.src = amendUrl; // set url to the image image.height = 600; image.className = 'image'; item.className = 'mmm-volumio-item'; item.innerHTML = '<div>' + data['artist'] + ' • ' + data['album'] + '</div>' + '<div>' + data['album'] + '</div>';//I put 'albumart' here to prove I had the url wrapper.appendChild(item); // display artist, album and title info wrapper.appendChild(image); // display album artwork return wrapper; } });
Here is my messy code, I don’t really do any coding so I was winging it.
RE: What is wrong with my url?
@sdetweil it is. If you look at the url it gives to the album art it does not start with http://192.168… so I just need to add that I believe. I stumbled on that info by mistake thanks to you. I will try and get that working now.
RE: What is wrong with my url?
@sdetweil I think I have to add my IP address for the Volumio. When I was looking to see if Volumio is json I stumbled on this on their website. Can I += strings?
RE: What is wrong with my url?
@EllyJ sorry I don’t know about Volumio. At the bottom of the picture is the live data. I just found this but don’t understand what it is getting at.
If albumart value starts with http, then no further operation is needed and the resulting url will show an albumart
Otherwise, prepend the string formed by: http:// + IP ADDRESS of Volumio device. Example: -
RE: What is wrong with my url?
@sdetweil it json I believe. I’m on a RaspberryPi and the file extension is .js.