C’mon guys, we need 8 more people :)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Face-Reco-DNN - All new Face Recognition
I am turning on the monitor using a PIR sensor and it is instant. Keep in mind that it also depends on your monitor, some are slower to respond - this is my second monitor, the first one was very slow to respond to any HDMI related commands.
RE: MMM-Spotify
@Sean I have changed the hook phrase to “showtime” and it still doesn’t work.
SPOTIFY_PLAY: { pattern : "showtime", command: "SPOTIFY_PLAY" },
[HOTWORD] Final Result: { detected: true, hotword: 'assistant', file: null } [AMK2] assistant ready [AMK2] Conversation starts. [AMK2] Assistant Text Response: [AMK2] Transcription: show --- Done: false [AMK2] Transcription: shut --- Done: false [AMK2] Transcription: showtime --- Done: false [AMK2] Transcription: showtime --- Done: false [AMK2] end-of-utterance [AMK2] Transcription: showtime --- Done: true { requestId: '5d433446-0000-2772-8141-089e0827c3f4' } { profileFile: 'default.json', lang: 'en-US' } [AMK2] Device Action: { requestId: '5d433446-0000-2772-8141-089e0827c3f4' } [AMK2] Assistant Text Response: [AMK2] Conversation Completed null [HOTWORD] begins. [HOTWORD] Detector starts listening.
RE: MMM-Face-Reco-DNN - All new Face Recognition
@ChrizZz I have used camera motion detection and I gave it up, because:
- It is not very reliable (maybe it was just my cheap camera that I used for testing back then)
- it is resource hungry
Because of that I use an external wireless PIR sensor which is part of my smart home system to turn on/off my SmartMirror and it works great. Since the motion processing happens on my smart home system and the Mirror is turned on/off via SSH command it takes up no resources at all from the MagicMirror which is already at 60% load when using Facial Recognition.
RE: MMM-Spotify
@Sean I will try that and report back. Thanks for the suggestion.
RE: MMM-Spotify
@Sean, I did some more testing and I can confirm that this is the only command that doesn’t work. Maybe I am not understanding it correctly.
My expected results would be:
- Raspotify is running in the background (but no music is playing)
- When I say “music please” spotify will start a random song and play it on the MagicMirror
The result however is:
- Raspotify is running in the background and no music is playing
- When I say “music please” I see no errors in the logs, however, no music is starting as well
- To workaround this I start the music from my smartphone or desktop app and switch the player to MagicMirror, after that I can control the player via AssistankMK2
RE: MMM-Face-Reco-DNN - All new Face Recognition
@ChrizZz I followed the tutorial and installed OpenCV and all dependencies in a virtual environment, but that did not go very well afterwards, you have to reconfigure the module with the correct paths and that can be cumbersome, therefore I started on a clean state and installed OpenCV and the dependencies without a virtual envioronment - e.g. follow the same tutorial without the part related to virtual enviornment. That is the most appropriate for our use case.
RE: Two way community order for all european countries - Open until 24 march 2019
@Goldjunge_Chriz will you please consider my order for a 73x80 cm mirror with polished edges? I would be glad if you could include a small leftover piece if you have any left so I can test different adhesives on it. I want to glue an aluminum frame to the back of the mirror so I can make a frameless smartmirror.
RE: MMM-Spotify
@Sean yes, the other commands work. I can skip the song, increase/decrease the volume and etc. Also Raspotify is running, because I can start the playback on the mirror from my Desktop/Smartphone app.