Sorry does this help at all?
Line 155 col 2 ‘destructuring binding’ is available in ES6 (use ‘esversion: 6’) or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
Line 159 col 17 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘MMM-Tado’.
Line 160 col 19 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘top_right’.
Line 162 col 23 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘*****’.
Line 163 col 23 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘*******’.
Line 164 col 29 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘300000’.
Line 174 col 1 Unexpected ‘if’.
Line 174 col 1 Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘if’ (a reserved word).
Line 174 col 3 Missing semicolon.
Line 174 col 34 Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
Line 174 col 35 Missing semicolon.