The latest version also supports the Twinguard AirQualityLevel (updated Screenshot on first post)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-BoschSmartHome
RE: [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker (new: version 2.x)
@wilbur245 said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
Hello I have installed Jast, everything is fine.
I just don’t see a share.
there is zero also 22UA.DE does not can i “”
insert as API?I just checked the stockdio API. It is great, but unfortunately its free plan is limited to 500 requests per month.
RE: [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker (new: version 2.x)
@MisterTFM said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
What “symbol” should I use for the Dow Jones Industrial Average? I tried DJI and .DJI
Hi @MisterTFM,
as you can read here, the Alphavantage API does not provide stock indices. You could try using “DIA”.
@RIKKO14 said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
does this module work for french stocks on euronext ?
the question should better be “does the Alphavantage API work with french stocks on euronext”. To be honest: I just don’t know :-)I just googled that list of Symbols for Alphavantage:
You can easily test your Symbols by pasting this url in your browser and change the symbol value on its end:
If you get a response like this, your symbol is valid and offered by the API:
{ Meta Data: { Information: "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", Symbol: "BAS.DE", Last Refreshed: "2021-01-05", Output Size: "Compact", Time Zone: "US/Eastern" }, Time Series (Daily): { 2021-01-05: { open: "64.3000", high: "65.4700", low: "63.2600", close: "64.4000", volume: "2770107" },
@wilbur245 said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
Hello, what do I have to do so that the values are shown up to date to some extent. It is currently only queried once a day or the value renewed.
I sometimes have values for 2 days even though they have fallen or increasedHi @wilbur245 ,
the module always requests the latest values from the Alphavantage API. If they are not up to date, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do ¯\(ツ)/¯
The update interval between the MMM-Jast module and the Alphavantage API can be configuredconfig{ updateIntervalInSeconds: 1800 }
@DJ6sTep said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
@Jalibu Is there a way to have the ticker scroll all the way across the screen? Mine gets about 85% across the screen, doesn’t show all the stocks, just 4 stocks & then restarts from the beginning again.
Hi @DJ6sTep , perhaps that’s a bug. I’ll have a look on that.
@DJ6sTep said in [MMM-JaST] Just another Stock Ticker:
@Jalibu also, how can I increase the font size?
By modifying the modules/MMM-Jast/MMM-Jast.css
Hi community,
Here is my MMM-BoschSmartHome module. It is a client interface for the Bosch Smart Home System.
Download and instructions on GitHub.Note: This module is a private and inofficial project without any relation to Robert Bosch Smart Home GmbH. I do not give any warranty, nor am I responsible for any damage.
- Support for multiple rooms
- Window-/Door Contacts
- Room Climate Controls
- Thermostats
- Twinguards
- Visualization of Temperature, Humidity and Purity
- Bosch Home Connect Dishwashers (experimental!)
- Philips Hue Bridge
- Languages: English, German
Visualization with bars
Visualization with donuts
Thank you
To all testers, their and your feedback.
If you like this module and want to thank, please buy me a beer. -
RE: MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
Hello everyone,
does the module still work for all of you? I’m facing loading problems for about 2 days now, but I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at the cause yet.
Please give me feedback.
RE: MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
@Stoffbeuteluwe Unfortunately the data provider only provides a weather history and no forecast :-/
RE: iFrame and daily changing url ...
I would inspect the network traffic and try to reproduce it on the node backend.
RE: iFrame and daily changing url ...
it depends on how the “user / passwort” and the required mouse click is implemented and what it actually does…
Without more details it is hard to give you an answer here.In the worst case you could use a scripted headless chrome in the background that logs in, clicks the image and takes a screenshot of the page ;-)
RE: MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
@karsten13 thanks for your contribution. I saw your PR and will merge it soon.
RE: MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
yepp, as @rubenix mentioned, 1GB memory is unfortunately too little :-/
On my Raspi 4, 4GB it just works perfectly fine.I already tried to optimize the rendering to get it working with limited resources, but without success ¯\(ツ)/¯