@ianperrin thx so much!!! Works fine, looks amazing!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Strava
Hey @ianperrin.
First of all thx for you wonderful module. I have one question - I have added “rowing” as activity which works fine - excepted the symbol for rowing is not working. Is it possible to reference that symbol more or less easy in the sourcecode ?
Thx in advance
Jan -
RE: Microsoft To-Do (wunderlist replacement?)
@thobach Thx for your reply. Your solution has not exactly the effect what i want, but it works fine for me ;-)
RE: Microsoft To-Do (wunderlist replacement?)
Hi. I successfully impemented your module. Thx for you effort! I have one question: Is there any possibility to get data for several lists and sort them under the name of the list ? (like before with Wunderlist) .
RE: Problems with MMM-PublicTransportDB
Perhaps someone can answer another question concerning that module. Does the config parameter “excludedTransportationTypes” have any effect ? Doesn’t matter what I set, it always shows all transportation types…
RE: Problems with MMM-PublicTransportDB
Thx @lavolp3 . I am a newbie using git - your advice helped so much! Greetings from Duesseldorf to Moers ;-)
Problems with MMM-PublicTransportDB
Hi. I installed the module and get the following errormessage in the log:
Transportation fetcher created. (Station ID: 8001586)
(node:18193) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined
0|mm | (node:18193) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.My config looks like:
module: ‘MMM-PublicTransportDB’,
position: ‘top_right’,
classes: ‘default everyone’,
config: {
stationId: “8001586”,
name: “Düsseldorf-Derendorf”,
//stationId: “20018285”,
hidden: false,
//ignoredStations: [9100003,2342,1337],
//excludedTransportationTypes: ‘bus,suburban,subway’,
delay: 10,
interval: 120000,
departureMinutes: 300,
maxDepartures: 15,
marqueeLongDirections: false,
showColoredLineSymbols: true,
useColorForRealtimeInfo: true,
showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true,
maxUnreachableDepartures: 3,
maxReachableDepartures: 7,
fadeUnreachableDepartures: true,
fadeReachableDepartures: true,
fadePointForReachableDepartures: 0.25
},What am I doing wrong ?
Hope that this is the right place for my question.
Thx in advance for your help.
Jan -
RE: MMM-FacialRecognition Training tool
Hi. I face the same issue as you, Erik. I can’t make captures via camera (same error as you wrote), and if i train my own jpgs, i can not run the face recognation without issues. Did you solve the problem ?
RE: Deutsche Bahn: list of connections with delays
I would appreciate as well a transport module using the Deutsche Bahn-API. Unfortunately i don’t have a clue how to implement that.