Yes I know. but I don’t like the plain text idea…
The MyStandings module is showing the teams logo…
Yes I know. but I don’t like the plain text idea…
The MyStandings module is showing the teams logo…
Good afternoon,
Is there somebody who knows if it’s possible to make this module suitable for the Formule 1?
Or maybe somebody here who can make it suitable.
@brendan_c23 The only thin I can think off is that the API is not working or correct config.
If you run the Develop en see the log.
shift + Control + I
And than look for the faults
module: "currentweather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
location: "Raleigh",
locationID: "4487042",
appid: "TOP SECRTE"
module: "weatherforecast",
position: "top_right",
header: "",
config: {
location: "Raleigh",
locationID: "4487042",
appid: "Top Secret",
fade: false,
colored: true,
This loc ID i test on my own mirror and it’s working. So Or your APPID is false or you make een wrong " at the start or end.
@rslohs said in OpenWeatherMapForecast Crashes my MagicMirror:
module: “MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast”,
header: “Weather”,
position: “top_right”,
classes: “default everyone”,
disabled: false,
config: {
apikey: “XXXXXX”,
latitude: “42.147528”,
longitude: “-85.688060”,
iconset: “4c”,
concise: false,
forecastLayout: “table”,
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast",
header: "Weather",
position: "top_right",
classes: "default everyone",
disabled: false,
config: {
apikey: "SUPER SECRET!!!",
latitude: "42.147528",
longitude: "-85.688060",
iconset: "4c",
concise: false,
forecastLayout: "table",
Yes you must ad de calendar module two times.
module: "calendar",
header: "Calendar_1",
position: "top_left",
config: {
calendars: [
symbol: "calendar-check",
maximumNumberOfDays: '3',
url: "her your 1e url" }
module: "calendar",
header: "Calandar_2",
position: "top_left",
config: {
calendars: [
symbol: 'calendar-check',
maximumNumberOfDays: '2',
url: "and the second url" }
@gr1dl0ck said in Openweather city ID:
Canberra Australia
“id”: 2172517,
“name”: “Canberra”,
“state”: “”,
“country”: “AU”,
“coord”: {
“lon”: 149.128067,
“lat”: -35.283459
may’i ask how you edit the file??? I got the same problem last week whit the Dutch variant mmm-MyGarbage
I help @leentje whit the problem.
If you trey to edit the file in Grany or excel or something else its keep saying “No schedule”
You must edit the file on the mirror i’t self
This is the way of the Dutch variant…
in the Terminal
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-MyGarbage
sudo rm garbage_schedule.csv. (deletet corrupted file)
sudo nano garbage_schedule.csv (make new file)
Copy past…
Save the file
sudo reboot (the mirror must reboot not cntr+r) hard reset!!
Thats work whit the dutch variant…