I’ll commit nerd seppaku now, with a proper backslash.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: /n not respected in mmm-compliments
/n not respected in mmm-compliments
I have a remote compliments file that I load into my mirror. One line contains a /n, but it is displayed rather than respected as a new line. Is something off with this line?
"There is no crown /nThere is only the harvest.",
I am running the development branch of MM, if that matters.
RE: MMM-Fitbit2
I have dockerized my MM (https://github.com/bastilimbach/docker-MagicMirror) and having trouble getting MMM-Fitbit2 to work properly.
Some things I’ve attempted:
- I cannot launch a web browser from my container; it doesn’t have one.
- SSHing into the container to launch auth.sh will not launch a web browser to finish the setup
- Copying the token from my old MM doesn’t seem to work.
RE: Having issues with 2nd ical.
I will santizize an ics file and send it to your gmail.
RE: Having issues with 2nd ical.
This is clearly seems to be a problem with OWA and not MM, so I’ll say close this topic.
RE: Having issues with 2nd ical.
I just created a fake calendar in OWA and added that to my config. Those events show up for some reason. curious.
RE: Having issues with 2nd ical.
from package.json:
"version": "2.13.0",
The ics file is work-related; I cannot sent that. It should be a standard shared ics file from a published calendar on https://outlook.office365.us/ with the “Can view all details” permission set applied.
Having issues with 2nd ical.
Re: 2nd Calendar won't display
I cannot get my 2nd calendar to appear in MM, despite what changes I’ve done. Here is my module snippet (with ical keys obfuscated):
{ module: "calendar", header: "Upcoming Events", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "user-alt", url: "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/mah-email@gmail.com/mah-priv-key/basic.ics" }, { symbol: "briefcase", url: "https://outlook.office365.us/owa/calendar/mah-email/mah-priv-key/calendar.ics" }, ], } },
My first gmail calendar shows up file. No issues there.
For the second OWA calendar, I have tried exchanging https:// with webcal:// and back I have ensured that the MM itself can successfully wget the ics file, so connectivity is not an issue. Most of my events in this calendar are weekly or monthly recurring events, but I certainly have upcoming events that are not the “recurring” type.
Anyone have any ideas?