@slametps any more details ? company that made it etc. I know about 6mm and 8 mm mirrors but never heard about a 5 mm one.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: My First Magic Mirror
RE: Mirror supplier Belgium
@ThomasVDD as it it cheap i will give it a try as experiment in my hallway , thx for sharing.
waiting for my PI and then still need to find a 15" screen. -
RE: Mirror supplier Belgium
yep , i’ve seen it on their website, so i guess your project is not finisched yet , to see the result ?
RE: Mirror supplier Belgium
@ThomasVDD Do you have a picture of it ? maybe also some details about the foil (company , size , partnumber )
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
@bleusswissbless This order is sadly enough closed , i’m just waiting for all the nice pictures when they all build their mirror.
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
@Goldjunge_Chriz ACK , will send my measurements on Saturday night.
RE: Mirror supplier Belgium
@ababo please check the German supplier thread , If they open up a new order list we can order with them , I will pick up mine on site and can bring yours with me.
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
@Goldjunge_Chriz I’m also interested in this , but can only confirm measurements on Sunday as I’m in Germany now and my home is in Brussels (Belgium).
If I can’t be on this list can we start a new one ? I can pickup mirrors at your place for delivery / pickup in Belgium or NRW (Duisburg area).
I also have my own company so if you can’t order I can cover that part in return for Belgium orders (if you want to share the supplier).