Hi, yes this is exactly what I did for my house.

First of all, i have a connected xiaomi wifi extension plugs, so plug 1 = my screen, plug 2 = the RPI3

when I say “OK Google turn on/off the screen”, it switches on/off the screen according to an http request (WARNING to local IPs on IFTTT) that i ve included on ifttt.

Same thing for the RPI if I want to reboot or switch off or switch on (ssh commands via http requests).

The only thing that I still can’t do, I would like to do is changing the profile with the great plugin profile switcher :¬ification=CURRENT_PROFILE&payload=“News”

The issue is this is a local IP… I don’t know how to run a script from my server (opened to the internet) that could run this local http request :( is there any function in PHP?