Really great and unique idea!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MotoGP
Same enthusiasm here about MotoGP but I don’t think there is a module yet. At least for the time being.
RE: Raspberry Pi Zero W for Magic Mirror
Mine works with a pi zero w 2 and I am very satisfied with the way it performs. I followed the official procedure as described in the forums and got it working on buster os desktop which is essential for some modules. Used to run the project on pi zero w with buster os lite and for basic and simple stuff the project used to run fine minus some lags when refreshing modules but nothing special.
As I decided to run more demanding modules running pi zero w 2 was the only solution to keep the project small and low cost. For the modules I am using I’m for than satisfied with the way it performs.
Anyway, all I can confirm is that magic mirror on pi zero w 2 with buster os desktop can perform nice. -
RE: [MMM-LocalTemperature] - No display
I am leaving this comment here for those who have built a magic mirror using raspberry pi zero hoping that it will help someone.
After trying to get the sensor (DHT22) to work with various modules I confirm that I managed to make it run with this module. The only difference was that in step 3 of the instructions I installed wiringPi library as described in here: , which is simple a sudo apt-get install wiringpi command in the main directory of the project ( /MagicMirror ). Other than that, just make sure to enter the correct GPIO pin in the config.js file and you are ready to get some measurements.
Two words only… Thank you!