@cowboysdude this is what i can see in a web page (everything ok)
this is what i can see on the main display where the raspberry is connected (no module)…
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude and what’s strange is that it worked when i am accesing it from mobile phone at http://myraspip:8080 …
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude thanks, i will try it today, could you make me understand? I’m trying to learn, kinda newbie right now :)
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude this is my config, it’s very basic. If it’s important, mmm-noaa was installed from mmm-remote
/*************** AUTO GENERATED BY REMOTE CONTROL MODULE ***************/ var config = { electronOptions: { }, ipWhitelist: [ "", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:", "" ], modules: [ { module: "MMM-SystemStats", position: "bottom_left", classes: "small dimmed", config: { align: "left", header: "System Stats" }, header: "" }, { module: "MMM-Remote-Control", position: "bottom_left", config: { } }, { module: "alert", config: { } }, { module: "clock", position: "top_left", config: { } }, { module: "internet-monitor", position: "middle_center", header: "Wireless Internet Monitor", config: { type: "minimal", maxTime: 20000, updateInterval: 0, verbose: false, displayStrength: false, displaySpeed: true, strengthIconSize: 10, maxGaugeScale: 100, wifiSymbol: [ { size: 5, fullColor: "#3afc25", almostColor: "#ffff0c", halfColor: "#ff8c00", noneColor: "#ff1111" } ] } }, { module: "calendar", header: "US Holidays", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check-o ", url: "webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/templates/ical/US-Holidays.ics" } ], titleReplace: { "De verjaardag van ": "", "'s birthday": "" }, excludedEvents: [ ] } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "New York Times", url: "http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml" } ], startTags: [ ], endTags: [ ] } }, { module: "MMM-NOAA", position: "top_center", header: "Weather", config: { langFile: { en: "en-US", de: "de-DE", sv: "sv-SE", es: "es-ES", fr: "fr-FR", zh_cn: "zh-CN", da: "da", nl: "nl-NL", nb: "nb-NO", "ro-RO": "" }, langTrans: { en: "EN", de: "DL", sv: "SW", es: "SP", fr: "FR", zh_cn: "CN", da: "DK", nl: "NL", nb: "NO", ro: "" }, levelTrans: { "1": "green", "2": "yellow", "3": "orange", "4": "red" }, airKey: "", apiKey: "" } } ], paths: { modules: "modules", vendor: "vendor" }, address: "" } /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {module.exports = config;}
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
Hello guys, i do have some troubles with the module, it doesn’t appear at all on my mirror but it shows perfect on my mobile phone…i tried to reposition it but still nothing…do you have any ideas?