So now I have pixel aufpspielen and behold there because it works. Now I have to install module sorry for the stupid question but how do I get it? On the readme page is the man config / config.js must open and should enter only where is the config.js? And how should I enter? Can you give me an example for clock?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Please help
RE: Please help
By me the same error list. Somewhere is an error or is not installed what can it be?
RE: Please help
I log in cd MagicMirror
In cd MagicMirror write DISPLAY=:0 npm start is this korrekt? -
RE: Please help
@leisi said in Please help:
@moris do you tried it from the terminal on raspberry or via Mac or Windows? Try this command only in raspberrys terminal…
On the raspi terminal
RE: Please help
With me still the same error synonymous with the command DISPLAY =: 0 npm start but the same error
RE: Please help
Ok the problem with config.js is allright. I have write samaple the wrong. With sample is korrekt. But npm start have the same problem. Display Rotate. Why the error ?
RE: Please help
This is really fast here with answers. respect. I have no space between config and slash made that is so created when copying from the text. I wrote exactly as you showed it nevertheless, he says there is no folder available. But I see the sample I wrote samaple the whole time maybe this could be the error? Npm start I have with and without ssh tested in the cd MagicMirror and with both the same error. Has what with the config.js to do because it was not?
RE: Please help
@darrene I have it reinstalled and exactly according to your guidance held. I am in the MagicMirror folder and wants to insert config.js, he gives me the following:
Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ cd MagicMirror
Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / MagicMirror $ cp config / config.js.samaple config / config.js
Cp: target ‘config.js’ is not a directory
Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / MagicMirror $And I give afterwards npm start a he gives me the following error message raus:
Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / MagicMirror $ npm startMagicmirror@2.0.0 start / home / pi / MagicMirror
Electron js / electron.js/ Home / pi / MagicMirror / node_modules / electron-prebuilt / dist / electron: errorWhite loading shared libraries: Can not open sharedObject file: No suchfile or directory
Npm ERR! Linux 4.4.26-v7 +
Npm ERR! Argv “/ usr / bin / nodejs” “/ usr / bin / npm” “start”
Npm ERR! node v6.9.1
Npm ERR! npm v3.10.8
Npm ERR! file sh
Npm ERR! errno ENOENT
Npm ERR! syscall spawn
Npm ERR! Magicmirror@2.0.0 start:electron js / electron.js
Npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
Npm ERR!
Npm ERR! Failed at the magicmirror@2.0.0 start script ‘electron js / electron.js’.
Npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
Npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the magicmirror package,
Npm ERR! Not with npm itself.
Npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
Npm ERR! Electron js / electron.js
Npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
Npm ERR! Npm bugs magicmirror
Npm ERR! Or if you are not available, you can get their info via:
Npm ERR! Npm owner ls magicmirror
Npm ERR! There is probably additional logging output above.Npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
Npm ERR! /home/pi/MagicMirror/npm-debug.log
Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / MagicMirror $Synonymous rotate_display =: 1 in config.txt entered. Since nothing has done synonymous no turning the display.
Startx he made garnix. Something I’m doing wrong. It did with ssh and once without ssh -
RE: Please help
Many thanks I will test. The best I do it all from again so everything works out. With display Rotate I had already tried had I just not how I start the mirror. Then starts always in the mirror mode or must I always start with the command?
Please help
Hi folks, I have a problem with the installation. I use a raspberry pi2 and have only made the configuration for the raspi and since I could z.b. Do not save the lxde since it would not exist. The same also with lightdm.conf. Then I have carried out the automatic installation for magicmirror2 what has worked so far. End to the end run display =: 0 non start? what do I have to do now? Is not an experienced programmer and now I do not know what I must push. At the moment, he does not show a mirror. I am using jessie lite. Please do not know any more. Sorry for the english that is google translated. I am from Germany and my English is not so good