@Johans yah, when she said I dont want a rectangle mirror I was like oh crap… Ended up being quite a bit more work than intended. I think just making the jig to cut an oval took longer than making the frame itself… :P
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: Custom Oval mirror
Custom Oval mirror
Recently finished my oval shaped magic mirror. I planned on just making a simple rectangle but they wife wasn’t having any of that and really wanted something that looked a little nicer and matched our decor better.
This was super challenging as you can imagine. I had to create a special jig for the router that cuts out oval shapes and cut the wood and the acrylic mirror to the oval shape then create a frame behind it to house the monitor and space around it for the hardware.
It also has a pir sensor right at the bottom that detects movement and kicks the mirror on and off.
I’m super happy with how it turned out the wife approves so I’d say all in all it was a success.These pictures are a few weeks old. I eventually added a tv wire mount kit to run the power through the wall for a much cleaner look.
Currently have 2 calendars, wunderlist (she leaves silly things here sometimes, like “poop” as you will see) Weather, NFL scores, and news (NPR).
Hope you like and feedback is welcome!
See more images here: Album