Re: [MMM-TweetsByTimelineOrList] - A module for the Magic Mirror to display tweets from a user's timeline or list.

Hi AdamMoses-GitHub;
How are you?
I wanted to ask you a question, I have installed the module and it works correctly, but I cannot show the tweets with multimedia, for example with images, this is my config. Am I indicating something incorrectly?

module: ‘MMM-TweetsByTimelineOrList’,
position: ‘bottom_left’,
config: {
// visit the url below for the twitter keys / tokens
consumer_key: ‘’,
consumer_secret: ‘’,
access_token_key: ‘’,
access_token_secret: ‘’,
// set the username and either timeline or listname
screenName: ‘maxim’,
listToShow: ‘TIMELINE’,
tweetsToShowAtATime: 1,
showHeader: true,
allowSpecialCharacters: true,
excludeTweetsWithQuotes: false,
excludeMediaTweets: false,
excludeLinkTweets: false,
maxTweetsPerUser: 0,
maxTweetAgeMins: 7000,

Thank you very much for the help.