Thank you so much.
Looks like we’re getting there.
If the current Public Holiday could be described with “Today/now”, it would be the cherry on the cake.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Default Calendar Module | Countdown until full day events
RE: Default Calendar Module | Countdown until full day events
Thanks for your help.
I edited it tomodule: "calendar", position: "bottom_left", header: "Public Holidays", config: { colored: false, coloredSymbolOnly: false, maximumEntries: 10, maximumNumberOfDays: 180, timeFormat: "relative", getRelative: 90 * 24, urgency: 90, calendars: [
which unfortunately didn’t make any difference.
Covers my issue, and here the author mentions issues with full day events. Any chance this could be the culprit ? -
Default Calendar Module | Countdown until full day events
i’m using the default calendar module to give me an overview of upcoming public holidays.
I’m not interested in the actual date, but rather more how many more days until the next public holiday.I cannot for the life of me get this to work.
This is my config.js{ module: "calendar", position: "bottom_left", header: "Public Holidays", config: { colored: false, coloredSymbolOnly: false, maximumEntries: 10, maximumNumberOfDays: 180, timeFormat: "relative", getRelative: 90, urgency: 90, calendars: [ { url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/en.german%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics', symbol: 'calendar', // GERMAN HOLIDAYS }, ], }, },
The leads to the following calendar showing up:
I does not seem to make a difference if I change
timeFormat: "relative",
timeFormat: "absolute",
I am sure this can be achieved, because another instance of the default calendar gives me infos on upcoming events such as “in 2 Days”, “Tomorrow” etc.
Any ideas why this doesn’t work on my Public Holiday Calendar ?
RE: Default Calendar Module - Repeating calendar events with exceptions do not show
thanks for your reply.
It seems node-ical has an issue with parsing EXDATE Info within the ICS file.https://github.com/jens-maus/node-ical/issues/167
He has the same problem.
Default Calendar Module - Repeating calendar events with exceptions do not show
Platform: Raspberry Pi 3B+
Node Version [ 0.12.13 or later ]:node -v v16.14.2
MagicMirror Version [ V1 / V2-Beta ]: latest
Description: Our recycling bin is emptied every 2 weeks. I can download an iCalendar (https://eb-mainz.de/wir-kommen-zu-ihnen/abfallkalender). Either as a list of single dates “Apple Kalender und alle anderen Kalenderprogramme mit Einzelterminen."
or as recurring dates "MS Outlook, Google Kalender etc. mit Terminserien (nicht für Apple Kalender)”*
I download the second (recurring dates) and import the file into an extra google calendar. This google calendar is displayed on my MagicMirror.
Most dates show up fine, except for predefined exceptions within the downloaded ICS-file.
Google Calendar handles the exceptions just fine (my phone, webbrowser etc show the pick-up dates as intended). My MM however seems to ignore the exceptions.
For example:
Wednesday 20.04.2022 would have been a regular, bi-weekly pickup date for the recycling bin, as Monday, 18.04.2022 was Easter-Monday (and a public holiday in Germany), the pickup date was changed to Thursday 21.04.2022.
All my devices (except MM) showed Thursday, 21.04.2022 as the pick-up day. MM insisted is was Wednesday, 20.04.2022.The downloaded ICS-File contains the following:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Grafik-Partner GmbH//Muellmax 7.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220112 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220113 DESCRIPTION:Entsorgungsbetrieb der Stadt Mainz\n Zwerchallee 24\n 55120 Mainz\n \n Telefon: +49 6131 12 34 56 (Abfallberatung)\n Telefax: +49 6131 12 34 83\n \n Der Entsorgungsbetrieb ist ein Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Mainz. LOCATION:XXXXX Mainz, XXXX RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20230101T000000Z; INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=WE;WKST=MO RDATE;VALUE=DATE: 20220421, 20221006, 20221103, 20221229 EXDATE;VALUE=DATE: **20220420**, <-- this the exception I'm talking about 20221005, 20221102, 20221228 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT SEQUENCE:0 UID:16413062851@muellmax.de DTSTAMP:20220104T142445Z SUMMARY:EB Gelber Sack CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20211221T125452Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211221T125452Z URL:http://www.muellmax.de END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Steps to Reproduce:
- Download a calendar containing the pick-up dates from https://eb-mainz.de/wir-kommen-zu-ihnen/abfallkalender
1.1) choose "MS Outlook, Google Kalender etc. mit Terminserien (nicht für Apple Kalender)"* - Import it into google calendar as a seperate calendar
- Import this calendar into MM with default calendar module
Expected Results:
Identical entries in google calendar and MM
Actual Results:
MM doesn’t take exceptions, defined within the ICS-File into consideration
Configuration:{ module: "calendar", position: "top_right", config: { colored: false, coloredSymbolOnly: false, maximumEntries: 15, calendars: [ { url: 'xxx', symbol: 'calendar', // BUNDESLIGA }, { url: 'xxx', symbol: 'calendar', // GERMAN HOLIDAYS }, { url: 'xxx', symbol: 'calendar', // MAIN GOOGLE CALENDAR }, { url: 'xxx', symbol: 'calendar', // FORMULA 1 CALENDAR }, { url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/[thisisnoneofyourbusiness]group.calendar.google.com/private-[thisisnoneofyourbusiness]> symbol: 'calendar', // EB MAINZ }, { url: 'xxx' symbol: 'calendar', // PRO RUNDE }, { url: 'xxx' symbol: 'calendar', // BUSINESS TRIPS }, ], },
Additional Notes:
A simple workaround is to just download the calendar with single entries
“Apple Kalender und alle anderen Kalenderprogramme mit Einzelterminen.” and import that one into google-calendar. That works perfectly. Nevertheless it seems as if the default MM-calendar module (and MMM-CalendarExt2 for that matter, same issue) can’t handle exceptions within ics-calendars with repeating entries.Hope this helps. It’s not a deal-breaker, just something I have noticed.
- Download a calendar containing the pick-up dates from https://eb-mainz.de/wir-kommen-zu-ihnen/abfallkalender
RE: MM 2.18 not starting, crashes on startup [exit_code=512]
things are getting better (but still really weird).
I disabled the OpenGL driver and now my MM is 96% back up and running.
MMM-CalendarWeek causes MM not to show up.
After disabling it within the config.js, its up and running.Thanks for all your help!
RE: MM 2.18 not starting, crashes on startup [exit_code=512]
This is really weird, trying to launch chromium (as in your run-start.sh) give’s me an Errorpi@magicmirror:~ $ chromium-browser [0217/142409.967126:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(61)] tag not found
RE: MM 2.18 not starting, crashes on startup [exit_code=512]
I’ve done some more investigating.
After running the run-start.sh script and noticing that MM doesn’t start as intended, I stop MM by pressing ctrl+c within the terminal.
I can see via VNC that “Electron” shuts down.
So I assume that my problem has something to do with electronpi@magicmirror:~ $ cd MagicMirror pi@magicmirror:~/MagicMirror $ ./node_modules/.bin/electron --version v16.0.9
See screenshot:
Hope this helps trying to figure out what I going on.
P -
RE: MM 2.18 not starting, crashes on startup [exit_code=512]
Ran my config (I just commented the various modules within the config) with just the default “clock” module and still got the Error msg,
Does that prevent them (= the unwanted modules) from being loaded ?pi@magicmirror:~/MagicMirror $ ./run-start.sh [17.02.2022 06:27.16.057] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.18.0 [17.02.2022 06:27.16.075] [LOG] Loading config ... [17.02.2022 06:27.16.085] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [17.02.2022 06:27.16.090] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-Cursor. [17.02.2022 06:27.16.094] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [17.02.2022 06:27.16.096] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [17.02.2022 06:27.16.292] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [17.02.2022 06:27.16.318] [LOG] Server started ... [17.02.2022 06:27.16.320] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [17.02.2022 06:27.16.736] [LOG] Launching application. [17158:0217/062738.598660:ERROR:gpu_process_host.cc(968)] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=512 [17158:0217/062738.647202:ERROR:network_service_instance_impl.cc(916)] Network service crashed, restarting service. [17230:0217/062739.406765:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(161)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [17256:0217/062739.710018:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(376)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [17200:0217/062739.830940:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(125)] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
RE: MM 2.18 not starting, crashes on startup [exit_code=512]
Thanks for the link (I had already searched through that topic).
I can’t find anything related there though to my problem.
I cannot find any clues in regards to my ERROR[2139:0216/200529.312115:ERROR:gpu_process_host.cc(968)] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=512 [2139:0216/200529.355982:ERROR:network_service_instance_impl.cc(916)] Network service crashed, restarting service. [2283:0216/200530.410224:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(161)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization [2309:0216/200530.708608:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(376)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [2259:0216/200530.832997:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(125)] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.```**
All my modules load correctly