@feedparakeet For such a basic functionality we should not reinvent the wheel. There are a lot of javascript graphing libraries available which are far more sophisticated than anything we will be able to code for the mm in a reasonable manner. They usually render the result in a canvas which can simply be added to the mirror e.g. http://www.chartjs.org/
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: 24h weather forecast graph
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
@Jopyth I forked your project and am looking into adding the functionality to toggle back and forth between different configurations with one click using the remote page (like having a set of different config files). Is this proposed change on your to do list as well?
RE: digital photo frame
Maybe https://github.com/kapsolas/MMM-Flickr is suited for this task
RE: Interchange multiple modules at runtime
Thank you very much. Way easier than expected :)
Interchange multiple modules at runtime
Do we have a simple way to switch forth and back between different configurations / layouts. Lets say during noon I want to display my favorite sports score and during evening I want to keep up with the tv schedule as well as my emails.
One possible way is to create a small script which will swap out the config files and restarts the mirror but restarting does not look as smooth as I would hope. I am looking for a smooth transition between different module setups at runtime.