@jcorraliza yeah… the only reason why i would use the remote file is the weather stuff, and obviously this feature has a bug, or we are to weak in coding ^^
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@DvdEnde Great :) did you manage to run the weather-dependent compliments? My goal is to add all weather conditions based compliments. The normal compliments work, just need some time to load after starting MM from 30 seconds to 3mins. But if a add all of them:
day_sunny day_cloudy cloudy cloudy_windy showers rain thunderstorm snow fog night_clear night_cloudy night_showers night_rain night_thunderstorm night_snow night_alt_cloudy_wind
in this format:
], "fog" : [ "fog, oh no :(" ], ......
MM starts to show the default comliments. Any Idea?
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
@Goldjunge_Chriz heyo, I´m not 100% sure what size it will have finally. I hope I will know it till end of week, if you don´t here anything from me, then delete me from the list ^^
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@jcorraliza haha I can not believe it!!! now it´s working. okay so here is what i did:
so after ending with an error and resetting all the configs and .js files to default and my latest working config.js (post it above)
i shut it down
some hours later i boot it up again, and via putty ssh I copy and paste this code in the config.js:{ module: 'compliments', position: 'lower_third', config: { remoteFile: 'compliments.json' } },
the comliments.js file is still located here: ~/MagicMirror/modules/default/compliments
then i restart the MM via pm2 restart mm
now it´s working with the compliments from the readme:{ "morning" : [ "heyho" ], "afternoon" : [ "home early?" ], "evening" : [ "finally home" ], "fog" : [ "fog, oh no :(" ] }
but anyway, the MMM-Admin-Interface changed the config.json to this again ^^:
{ "module": "compliments", "position": "lower_third", "config": { "remoteFile": "compliments.json" } }
many thanks for your help, and time!
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@jcorraliza it´s from the MMM-Admin-Interface… after initializing this module, there quotes are everywhere… but sure i will try this too
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@DvdEnde the default compliments are in the module itself ok, here we go:
~/MagicMirror/config/config.js/* Magic Mirror Config Sample * * By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl * MIT Licensed. */ var config = { "port": 8080, "language": "de", "timeFormat": 24, "units": "metric", "modules": [ { "module": "alert" }, { "module": "clock", "position": "top_left" }, { "module": "calendar", "header": "Google Kalender", "position": "top_left", "config": { "calendars": [ { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 1" }, { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 2" }, { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 3" }, { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 4" }, { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 4" }, { "symbol": "calendar", "url": "my link 5" } ], "timeFormat": "absolute", "maximumEntries": "20", "fadePoint": "0.55" } }, { "module": "compliments", "position": "lower_third", "config": { "compliments": { morning: [ 'Guten Morgen!', 'Wie hast du geschlafen?', 'Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!' ], afternoon: [ 'Guten Tag!', 'Du schaust gut aus!', 'Wie war dein Tag!' ], evening: [ 'Guten Abend!', 'Na wie war dein Tag?', 'Du warst heute fleßig!' ], "remoteFile": "compliments.json" }, "updateInterval": 15000 } }, { "module": "currentweather", "position": "top_right", "config": { "location": "my location", "locationID": "", "appid": "my api" } }, { "module": "weatherforecast", "header": "Wetter in den kommenden Tagen", "position": "top_right", "config": { "location": "my location", "locationID": "", "appid": "my api" } }, { "module": "newsfeed", "position": "bottom_bar", "config": { "feeds": [ { "title": "Die Presse", "url": "http://diepresse.com/rss/home" } ], "showSourceTitle": true, "showPublishDate": true } }, { "module": "MMM-Remote-Control" }, { "module": "mmm-wu-moonphase", "header": "Aktuelle Mondphase", "position": "top_right", "config": { "apikey": "my api", "country": "Austria", "city": "Vienna", "apiLang": "DL" } }, { "module": "MMM-WienerLinien", "position": "top_right", "config": { "api_key": "my api", "stations": [ "abcd", "abcd" ] } }, { "module": "MMM-SpotifyConnectUI", "position": "fullscreen_below", "config": {} }, { "module": "MMM-Globe", "config": { "style": "europeDiscNat", "imageSize": 250, "ownImagePath": "", "updateInterval": 600000 } }, { "module": "internet-monitor", "position": "top_bar", "config": { "type": "minimal", "maxTime": 20000, "updateInterval": 0, "verbose": false, "displayStrength": true, "displaySpeed": false, "strengthIconSize": 40, "maxGaugeScale": 100 } }, { "module": "MMM-Traffic", "position": "top_right", "config": { "api_key": "my api", "mode": "driving", "origin": "my home", "destination": "my work", "arrival_time": "", "route_name": "Home-work", "changeColor": true, "showGreen": false, "limitYellow": 5, "limitRed": 20, "traffic_model": "pessimistic", "interval": 120000, "language": "de", "prependText": "Derzeit" }, "classes": "dimmed medium" }, { "module": "MMM-RandomPhoto", "position": "fullscreen_below", "config": { "opacity": 0.3, "animationSpeed": 1500, "updateInterval": 15, "url": "https://unsplash.it/1080/1920/?random" } }, { "module": "MMM-SystemStats", "position": "bottom_right", "config": { "updateInterval": 10000, "animationSpeed": 0 }, "classes": "small dimmed" }, { "module": "MMM-Admin-Interface" } ], "ipWhitelist": [ "::fff:", "::fff:", "::fff:", "::fff:", "", "::ffff:", "::1" ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {module.exports = config;}
this config is working perfect.
~/MagicMirror/modules/default/compliments/compliments.json (remoteFile) tried it also here ~/MagicMirror/config/compliments.json with and without absolut path.
{ "morning": [ "Test1!", "Test2?", "Test3!" ], "afternoon": [ "Test4!", "Test5!", "Test6!" ], "evening": [ "Test7!", "Test8?", "Test9!" ] }
and ~/MagicMirror/modules/default/compliments/compliments.js
* global Log, Module, moment */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: Compliments * * By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register("compliments",{ // Module config defaults. defaults: { compliments: { morning: [ "Good morning, handsome!", "Enjoy your day!", "How was your sleep?" ], afternoon: [ "Hello, beauty!", "You look sexy!", "Looking good today!" ], evening: [ "Wow, you look hot!", "You look nice!", "Hi, sexy!" ] }, updateInterval: 30000, remoteFile: null, fadeSpeed: 4000 }, // Set currentweather from module currentWeatherType: "", // Define required scripts. getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"]; }, // Define start sequence. start: function() { Log.info("Starting module: " + this.name); this.lastComplimentIndex = -1; if (this.config.remoteFile != null) { this.complimentFile((response) => { this.config.compliments = JSON.parse(response); }); } // Schedule update timer. var self = this; setInterval(function() { self.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed); }, this.config.updateInterval); }, /* randomIndex(compliments) * Generate a random index for a list of compliments. * * argument compliments Array<String> - Array with compliments. * * return Number - Random index. */ randomIndex: function(compliments) { if (compliments.length === 1) { return 0; } var generate = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * compliments.length); }; var complimentIndex = generate(); while (complimentIndex === this.lastComplimentIndex) { complimentIndex = generate(); } this.lastComplimentIndex = complimentIndex; return complimentIndex; }, /* complimentArray() * Retrieve an array of compliments for the time of the day. * * return compliments Array<String> - Array with compliments for the time of the day. */ complimentArray: function() { var hour = moment().hour(); var compliments = null; if (hour >= 3 && hour < 12) { compliments = this.config.compliments.morning; } else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 17) { compliments = this.config.compliments.afternoon; } else { compliments = this.config.compliments.evening; } if ( this.currentWeatherType in this.config.compliments) { compliments.push.apply(compliments, this.config.compliments[this.currentWeatherType]); } return compliments; }, /* complimentFile(callback) * Retrieve a file from the local filesystem */ complimentFile: function(callback) { var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json"); xobj.open("GET", this.file(this.config.remoteFile), true); xobj.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") { callback(xobj.responseText); } }; xobj.send(null); }, /* complimentArray() * Retrieve a random compliment. * * return compliment string - A compliment. */ randomCompliment: function() { var compliments = this.complimentArray(); var index = this.randomIndex(compliments); return compliments[index]; }, // Override dom generator. getDom: function() { var complimentText = this.randomCompliment(); var compliment = document.createTextNode(complimentText); var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.className = this.config.classes ? this.config.classes : "thin xlarge bright"; wrapper.appendChild(compliment); return wrapper; }, // From data currentweather set weather type setCurrentWeatherType: function(data) { var weatherIconTable = { "01d": "day_sunny", "02d": "day_cloudy", "03d": "cloudy", "04d": "cloudy_windy", "09d": "showers", "10d": "rain", "11d": "thunderstorm", "13d": "snow", "50d": "fog", "01n": "night_clear", "02n": "night_cloudy", "03n": "night_cloudy", "04n": "night_cloudy", "09n": "night_showers", "10n": "night_rain", "11n": "night_thunderstorm", "13n": "night_snow", "50n": "night_alt_cloudy_windy" }; this.currentWeatherType = weatherIconTable[data.weather[0].icon]; }, // Override notification handler. notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { if (notification == "CURRENTWEATHER_DATA") { this.setCurrentWeatherType(payload.data); } }, });
even when i change it like you said above:
defaults: { updateInterval: 30000, remoteFile: "~/MagicMirror/modules/default/compliments/compliments.json", fadeSpeed: 4000 },
It´s showing then the default compliments. (hi sexy etc.)
it´s working with my custom compliments in the config.js perfectly. but when i try this code:
{ "module": "compliments", "position": "lower_third", "config": { "remoteFile": "compliments.json" } },
MM showing the error srceen that i had to set up a config file.
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@DvdEnde i think my mirror has it´s own brain ^^ so i changed it like your post above. but MM just showing the default compliments. I don´t know whats wrong, but i think i will rebuild MM from the ground.
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@DvdEnde MM is up to date and every module i git pull the latest version, nope it says it´s a invalid .json in the MM-Admin-Interface. i just can not use this config @yawns post:
{ module: 'compliments', position: 'lower_third', config: { remoteFile: 'compliments.json' } },
if i try to start MM, it´s showing up, that the config is broken. even when i adjust it to the MM-Admin code:
{ "module": "compliments", "position": "lower_third", "config": { "remoteFile": "compliments.json" } },
I´m not in javascript or anything coding. But nothing worked for me. maybe my system is somehow broken…
RE: remoteFile in compliments module
@jcorraliza post your config.js and your remotefile pls