did you update the dependencies?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Remote-Control after upd MM to 2.1.0
RE: Colors changed
@PindaPower it´s in his first post! :)
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/1166/my-first-mirror -
RE: MMM-Globe
@binderth the globe is cut at south pole area, i think the white slice down there is the background color
so i think the module cut a circle out of the webpage and down there is some part of the earth missing, or out of view. Also i got another issue: If I´m using the random Photo Module as background, i see a small black border around the full globe. So to fix that, there must be an adjustment for the size of the cutting circle. But anyway the main problem with that white slice is, the image source.
RE: Netflix Module
@binderth the color problem,… yeah therefore i´m looking forward to integrate this little guy here: http://spyder.datacolor.com/display-calibration/ I allready own an old version of the spyder :) but anyway i don´t want to watch netflix for hours in the bathroom, just finish an episode or a film :D and for the sound, i will integrate some small stereo speaker :) so there is no excuse for not inventing a netflix module gg
and btw. a tablet is way to simple!
Netflix Module
I was wondering that there is no netflix module :) here you can find api, info etc. :)
https://www.programmableweb.com/api/netflix -
RE: My first Mirror
@edlug Hey, how do you mange to change the colors of the weather icons? :)
RE: Music with smartphone to Pi
@vicdilou You´re welcome. There is also the option of chromecast. https://github.com/lanceseidman/picast