Yes, this was it exactly. Once I added the request module everything was fine.
However, I do have one question.
How can I add the West Ham United Football Club?
Yes, this was it exactly. Once I added the request module everything was fine.
However, I do have one question.
How can I add the West Ham United Football Club?
First, this is a great module!
Second, how can I use the “holiday” option? It appears to be looking for a string and not an array so how can I pass multiple holidays?
Much thanks to @DolphinScientist for all the help!
The issue was my ignorance.
I was creating menus and expecting them to show up instead of adding to meals.
Thanks again.
For those interested in a dynamic weather module check here:
I really don’t see how I got along with one before. it’s became a must-have!
@sdetweil Thank you! it was missing request.
I’ve added MMM-cryptocurrency but I only get a blank display.
I’ve checked my config.js and it passes validation.
And I have created an API key as instructed.
Here is my config section for MMM-cryptocurrency. If I delete or comment this out everything works. But when I include it all I get is a blank screen.
module: "MMM-cryptocurrency",
position: "bottom_center",
config: {
apikey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
currency: ['ethereum', 'bitcoin'],
conversion: 'EUR',
headers: ['change24h', 'change1h', 'change7d'],
displayType: 'logoWithChanges',
showGraphs: true
I am trying this again because it seems so cool.
I see “Loading” and it never updates.
@wenike Thank you for the reply. But I’m saying the entire screen is blank. Not just the scores section.
I followed the instructions here for the git pull and npm install with no errors.
In my config file I place this but all I get is a blank screen.
module: “MMM-MyScoreboard”,
position: “top_left”,
classes: “default everyone”,
header: “My Scoreboard”,
config: {
showLeagueSeparators: true,
colored: true,
viewStyle: “mediumLogos”,
sports: [
league: “NCAAF”,
teams: [“UK”]