@yawns Working! :) Thank you!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: mmm-suncalc - Text only display of sunrise, sunset and other sun events
RE: MMM-Fitbit
Hi! I would like to read out the “weight” as well from the user(s).
I’m currently syncing the weight with my Withings account. So the weight is always up to date here as well. I tried just to add “weight” in the resources section. But that did not work. :) Is there anything I can do to fix it?Best regards Erik
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
Hi again! I’ve been using your excellent module since I started my build. And all along I had it in an “IFrame” on the mirror (the IFrame is shown via a touch on a button MMM-ModuleBar). However, about 2 moths ago, your module no longer shows up in the IFrame (it’s just black on the Mirror). However if I use another browser (not Electron) the IFrame shows the Remote Control. Also it shows up “remotely” both if I go directly to the Remote Control address and if I open the full Mirror in another browser.
I’m not sure where the problem is. If it’s on your module or in Electron.
I have another “web-interface” (SONOS Web Interface) in another IFrame showed the same way and that still works.
I’m on the dev branch of MM.Let me know if you have any ideas… :)
RE: MMM-TouchNavigation, A Touch Activated Profile/Layout Changer
Different look for this module, just wanted to share :)…
Or in color:
It’s only the pictures that differ from the gray or color ones.
You have to use your own pictures of course. :)In the config.js:
{ module: 'MMM-TouchNavigation', position: 'bottom_left', classes: "default everyone", config: { picturePlacement: "right", minWidth: "40px", direction: "column", buttons: { "Name1": { img: "http://www.your-picture.com/name1-Gray.png", width: 60, height: 60 }, "Name2": { img: "http://www.your-picture.com/name2-Gray.png", width: 60, height: 60 }, "Name3": { img: "http://www.your-picture.com/name3-Gray.png", width: 60, height: 60 } } } },
In my custom.css:
/* Touch Buttons */ .navigation-button { margin: 5px; padding: 0px 0px; border: 2px solid #FFF; border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 50%; } .navigation-picture { margin: 0px 0px; border-radius: 50%; } .navigation-menu { align-items: flex-start; } /* ----- End ----- */
Update: Just noticed that the buttons got “stretched” if something else was displayed in the same region. So I added the “.navigation-menu” part in the css.
If you have the buttons on the right side, use: “flex-end” instead of “flex-start”.Enjoy! :)
RE: MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude Looking great! :) I have a suggestion… Change the “Humidity” text to an image of a droplet (https://thenounproject.com/term/raindrop/381297/) to save space. :) Or from font awesome: http://fontawesome.io/icon/tint/
RE: MMM-Modulebar - A module that adds touch buttons for showing/hiding other modules.
@tosti007 Yes! That’s exactly what I wanted. :) I’m using your modules for accessing the “profiles” and my module as a “quick” option to just view one thing.
Thank YOU, for making the first module. :)
RE: MMM-Modulebar - A module that adds touch buttons for showing/hiding other modules.
@chaseb1357 Hehe! Great! :) Nicely done!
RE: MMM-Modulebar - A module that adds touch buttons for showing/hiding other modules.
@gaudouy Hi, no, it can only show and hide one/ or multiple instances of the same type of module on one button, but not two different types of modules on one button.
RE: MMM-HomeAssistant-Sensors (Development) - Show your HA Sensors on your Mirror
@aseadc86 Thank you! :) It is not possible to get two values on the same row (I think) in it’s current form… And also the “pictures” from the sensors does not work. I’m just out of time to fix it… :)
RE: MMM-HomeAssistant-Sensors (Development) - Show your HA Sensors on your Mirror
@ivanov_d It’s still working for me, when using https. It got to be something else…
I changed my conf to this and it works…{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors', hiddenOnStartup: false, position: 'top_right', config: { host: "my.ha.url.com", port: "443", https: true, updateInterval: 60000, fade: 0, title: "Information", noaddress: "Away", token: "token...", values: [ { sensor: "sensor.living_room_temperature", name: "Temp i Vardagsrummet %t%", icons: [{ "default": "thermometer" } ] } ] } }
I’m on Hass.IO (from start), maybe the api is still active there? I don’t get it…
It does not work for me on port 8123, but that’s to be expected when using ssl.