Really great job, thanks for sharing. How did you create the MP3 files or do you have them from a free database?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
RE: Add JS Code to the Mirror
I was able to solve that problem.
MPD port was double busy. Apparently 2 instances of Mopidy were running.Now the module MMM-MPD runs under a few specials:
During the installation the folder name has to be changed according to the config file.
The config file value maxRows must not be 0!
The display will only update after a song change!It was hard to find this specifics, but I thank everyone for the help!
RE: Add JS Code to the Mirror
@sdetweil thanks for helping me.
I have the code (pastebin) who put the data, i‘m looking for, in a HTML Output. If i open the html file like this
everything is okay.
But if open this HTML File with the Mirrorpath like this:
It shows me nothing. And i wonder why.
RE: Add JS Code to the Mirror
No, i want to show the current playing Track from mopidy.
Either by MMM-MPD (i didn‘t get to work)
Or by the Code i found on the web ( i didn‘t get to work) -
Add JS Code to the Mirror
i have the following problem, i want to show the current playing song from mopidy, so i install the MMM-MPD module, but it shows me only a play button, nothing else. So i try another way and i found this code in the web:
Now my problem is, when i open the file:
it shows exactly that output i want to see.
But if i open:localhost:8080/modules/test/mopidy.html
or try to put the code in the index.html it shows me nothing. Can anyone help me to find out, what is blocking the code? Thanks!