perfect thanks for the information, so u can choose betweeen film for cheaper solution and less quality and a very good quality with only mirror. do u can recommend a glass with 60-80% transmission ?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Magic Mirror Mirror/Foil Question
Magic Mirror Mirror/Foil Question
Hello everyone:)
I would like to implement my current idea and build a mirror. Unfortunately, I’m not the most skilled when it comes to crafting and DIY work, but I do have some knowledge in programming and scripting. Currently, I’ve watched various videos, and I’m feeling overwhelmed about what materials I need.
My goal is to build a magic mirror that looks very elegant and doesn’t reflect too strongly but still maintains the mirror aspect. It’s mainly used to display information like images and diagnostics.
So far, I have the following components:
Screen: LG 24MB56HQ, which will be disassembled. Wooden frame: Custom-made by a carpenter, measuring 70 cm in length and 50 cm in width.
Now, I’m wondering if I need a two-way mirror, with the monitor (display) mounted behind it. Or is it possible to use clear acrylic and apply one-way window film to it and then attach the monitor behind it?
Aren’t the mirrors designed to be semi-transparent so that the monitor’s image can be displayed? What is the purpose of the films often used in the videos? Should they also be applied to the monitor?
I found the following product: Link to the product
Thank You very much