I recently installed “bugsounet/MMM-GoogleAssistant + bugsounet/MMM-Assistant2Display” modules , and with a bit of struggle make it run.
The issue is that when I ask for a YouTube video to be played, it tells me here is I found on YouTube, but nothing appears .
I have followed the instructions by the dot.
The second issue which has arrived with this is that at the bottom_left I have my “mmm-hue-lights” module which was showing the status of all my Philips Hue lights , has disappeared, although it’s in it’s place & show’s up at start and slightly displays the status but disappears.
My gut feeling is that as I have approximately 15 modules on the front page which can be the cause of YouTube video not appearing and the disappearing of mmm-hue-light module.
But as I said it’s just my feeling, it can some other technical issue with the code or anything else.
I would appreciate any assistance.
Here is my config.js :- https://gist.github.com/Cihangir7000/3d483671893beba5628162e428b2f867