@sdetweil Again, many thanks for your time and efforts in “teaching the idiot” here :-)
I’ll follow the instructions above and hope it contributes to the community here - one of the best!
@sdetweil Again, many thanks for your time and efforts in “teaching the idiot” here :-)
I’ll follow the instructions above and hope it contributes to the community here - one of the best!
@sdetweil - Many, many thanks for sharing this. I changed both modules to include your code, removed a custom CSS rule and bingo bango, side by side modules.
Here is the full display now and you can see the result in the bottom left corner.
Now I just have to work out what to do with these changed modules (I’m no developer, more of a use large hammer coder, so not sure how to make brances or changes to the original pulls so as to share my changes…) and I can see me adding this to several other modules now I can see how easy it is to do!
@sdetweil Yep - just saw that and was sorting out another solution to this - thanks though
I followed this thread as it seems to address what I want to do: Re: How to get 2 modules side by side? however, I do not seem to be getting the same results.
To start with I would like the Worldclocks and WIFI Password QR code to be seen in the bottom_left region. I have the following code in my config and css files:
module: 'worldclock',
position: 'bottom_left',
header: '',
config: {
timeFormat: 'HH:mm A', //defined in moment.js format()
style: 'left', //predefined 4 styles; 'top', 'left','right','bottom'
clocks: [
title: "London",
timezone: "Europe/London",
flag: "gb",
title: "Paris",
timezone: "Europe/Paris",
flag: "fr",
title: "Perth",
timezone: "Australia/Perth",
flag: "au",
title: "New York",
timezone: "America/New_York",
flag: "us",
title: "Colorado",
timezone: "America/Denver",
flag: "us",
module: 'MMM-WiFiPassword',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
authType: "WPA",
network: "Hackers_Delight",
password: "NotARealPa55word",
and in my css:
/* CSS to control the placement of the world clocks and the WIFI QR */
/* to be within the same bottom left region but side by side and not */
/* stacked on top of each other */
.MMM-WiFiPassword {
display: inline-block;
width: 45%;
max-width: 45%;
min-width: 45%;
margin-left: 5%;
.worldclock {
margin-right: 45%;
.region.bottom.left {
width: 7220px;
min-width: 720px;
max-width: 720px;
This gives me the following screen:
By indication of the blue arrows, you can see what I’m attempting to do. The actual display os on a 43" TV so there is a lot of room between the left and the center regions which I was hoping to several small status modules into.
Anyone able to teach the idiot here?
Thanks though for reading
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the information. I’ve been playing and have fixed up the header not being shown and in addition have added column headings such as "Platform, To, From, Planned, Actual and Status to the displayed table.
I have seen in the forums elsewhere you do have to have multiple modules in order to get multiple stations which I suppose is OK, but a bit awkward. I may have a look to see if this can be all rolled into one config section.
One other feature I would like to work on is this: My partner travels home eveyday and says what train she is on, but never knows what time it will arrive at our home station - I want to see if it is possible to have a a listing of the possible trains with the departue and arrival times. As I’m very new to all this, it’s going to hurt my head coding it I suspect.
Does anyone have a multi-station configuration working? I also do not get any headers showing - anyone managed to solve that one?
Thanks in advance