MM² does not need a web server, it’s built in. You need to run it as a 'serveronly' setup though. This is what I did on my unix servers (I have one at the office, and one at home, plus two rpis, all running MM²):
Except for the very first step, all commands should be executed as an unprivileged user. First command needs to be performed as root, or equivalent system user.
Make sure node.js it up to date with at least version 6.0.0
Clone the Github repository (find instructions on manual install here
cd into the MagicMirror folder and run 'npm install'
Check/Edit the config/config.js file to match your configuration, specifically the port
run node serveronly
open web browser (anywhere on the network) and visit http://: (for example
Done. As I said, MM² does not require a web server for it to work, it’s built into node.