What should I do if I already updated?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Mirror goes to black after adding MMM-CalendarWeek
In my case, in the error massage it said that also rrule-alt was missing, so I did a “npm install rrule-alt” to get it working again.
RE: ELIFECYCLE error after fresh install
I have the same error from a previously working MagicMirror after rebooting it. I did not change any code, just rebooted the RPi.
RE: Cronjob
@MadScientist : Is there a way to automatically reload MM once or twice a day? I have similar problems with the Netatmo module, which doesn’t pick up new data in the morning (as my WLAN is turned off during the night). A reload fixes this, but I would rather have this automatically (e.g. at 06:00 in the morning for example).
Maybe a simple script would help, but I don’t know where to put it.
RE: MMM-SmartWebDisplay : display web contents (including YouTube) on your MM
Ok, I have found the error myself: the position “bottom_middle” does not exist, I have to use “bottom_center”. Now it works!
RE: MMM-SmartWebDisplay : display web contents (including YouTube) on your MM
@AgP42 Could you explain how to “declare several instances” with this module? I tried to add it twice (once for bottom_left and once for bottom_middle, but it only shows the iFrame of bottom_left…
RE: MMM-MyGarbage
Do you know if it is also possible to change the icon with CSS? E.g. using a “paper” icon from FontAwesome?
RE: MMM-Netatmo, no windreadings
I have exactly the same problem, I get no readings from the wind gauge. Did someone successfully get wind data?
RE: My first Mirror
@fischi87 : Which module do you use to show the data of “Heizung”?
RE: Update Font Awesome to version 5?
@cyberphox Perfect, that did it, thank you for your help (and I should know this…)