Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Roomtemperature with DS18B20
It works!
after testing some things PM2 didn’t work anymore, so i recovered from a backup, installed the drivers for the DS18B20 again, copied the scripts back, restarted and it works.
Don’t know why and how, but it does :smile:
No, it’s not available on GitHub. But with the hints from @MichMich it was pretty easy to realize.
To load the drivers for the DS18B20 I followed these instructions
To get the DS18B20 working with node.js I installed this
And finaly I edited the scripts of the systemtemperature-module and it works.
- Add this line to your /boot/config.txt
- Add to your /etc/modules following and reboot the Pi
w1-gpio pullup=1 w1-therm
- Note the ID of your sensor (go to /sys/bus/w1/devices and list the files, the ID should look something like this 28-04163746c8ff
- Got to /MagicMirror/modules and create a folder named MMM-Temperature
- Create a file named MMM-Temperature.js and copy the code from my post for this script
- Create a file named node_helper.js and copy the code from my post and change the ID of my sensor to yours (it’s in line 16)
- Register this module in your /MagicMirror/config/config.js
- Restart your MM and you are done :)
Hope I could help. Let me know if it works.
Mate. That’s just awesome.
Few worry spots but sure I can make that happen.
I made sure to order the same temp module so hopefully I shouldn’t have trouble.
Thanks mate. Awesome.
May have questions tho so will yell out of i do when eBay comes thru lol
Thanks again
This post is deleted! -
Excellent! Thanks for the code above, worked beautifully… :-)