Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
PIR problem
@sdetweil I used xrandr.
Peter -
@Peter and if you issue the commands yourself(via ssh)
do they work?
@sdetweil did not try that.
Peter -
@Peter Hello Peter… I’m not sure I understand… I ran the following test on my mirror and it worked as it should.
/usr/bin/vcgencmd display_power 0; echo “Display should now be off”; sleep 20; /usr/bin/vcgencmd display_power 1; echo “And now it should be on again”
But now I need to incorporate it into my config.js for my MMM-PIR-Sensor-Lite. I see the command type and ‘vcgencmd’ but once I get that in the config how do I do the turn on and turn off?
Thanks for all the help and you also Sam.
@N6NG and @sdetweil
Hi All,
Passing along some info as I was also having problems with my ASUS VZ27EHE monitor staying off / my monitor coming back on withMMM-PIR-Sensor-Lite
. The display would turn off, then a blue screen come on saying “HDMI No Signal” but then automatically turned back on. I used bothxrandr
commands but nothing worked on my pi 4 running Bullseye.After some digging and looking at this site “”, I replaced the code in the
(I know you’re not supposed to touch but this is what worked for me) and it works now. The only issue is on reboot, I have to run a command once to avoid the screen going to a gray statexsetroot -display :0 -solid Black
.case 'xset': exec("xset -display :0 s noblank", null);//default: xset dpms force off //Have to run 'xsetroot -display :0 -solid Black' on reboot to avoid gray screen exec("sleep 1", null); exec("xset -display :0 s off", null); exec("sleep 1", null); exec("xset -display :0 -dpms", null); exec("sleep 1", null); exec("xset -display :0 s 0 0", null); exec("sleep 1", null); exec("xset -display :0 dpms 0 0 0", null); exec("sleep 1", null); exec("xset dpms force off", null);
Don’t ask me how it works and I’ll give credit to E3V3A for posting that code. Hopefully this will help for those with a non-CEC compliant monitor and can fully turn off the monitor when not in use.