Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Synology Docker Tutorial?
@kusselin said in Synology Docker Tutorial?:
Error: Cannot find module ‘/opt/magic_mirror/js/…/modules/default/defaultmodules.js’
Maybe this will help someone else running into the same issue. I was unable to start Magic Mirror in Docker on my Synology NAS (using the karsten13/magicmirror image because v.2.15.0 is not in the bastilimbach one) and I got the same error as above.
Turned out to be some permission issue I was able to solve by adding two more environment variables to the docker container:
USER_ID: 1024 GROUP_ID: 100
This will run the docker container as the admin user on your NAS. If you wish to run it as some other user (which is preferable) you need to find the right user/group id (SSH into the NAS and then
sudo cat /etc/passwd
I believe). -
@oscarb said in Synology Docker Tutorial?:
@kusselin said in Synology Docker Tutorial?:
Error: Cannot find module ‘/opt/magic_mirror/js/…/modules/default/defaultmodules.js’
Maybe this will help someone else running into the same issue. I was unable to start Magic Mirror in Docker on my Synology NAS (using the karsten13/magicmirror image because v.2.15.0 is not in the bastilimbach one) and I got the same error as above.
Turned out to be some permission issue I was able to solve by adding two more environment variables to the docker container:
USER_ID: 1024 GROUP_ID: 100
This will run the docker container as the admin user on your NAS. If you wish to run it as some other user (which is preferable) you need to find the right user/group id (SSH into the NAS and then
sudo cat /etc/passwd
I believe).Hi, im not able to get the newest Karsten13 2.25 version running on the Synology (the 2.15 bastilimbach runs fine). The files in the mounts were created but the container stops after a few seconds. Do you have any tips?
we need the logs of the container
Hi,just tried to run the latest Image of karsten13 on my Synology.
You need to make sure you add “npm run server” as “command” during the creating of the container settings. -
@wishmaster270 said in Synology Docker Tutorial?:
karsten13 on my Synology
Hi everyone so I was having a lot of issues getting MagicMirror installed.
Do not bother trying to install bastilimbach, it will install but you wont be able to get the calendar working.
Instead follow these steps on your Synology. I made it simple incase you are not used to working with putty etc etcDownload and install Putty
setup the connection to poin to your IP address and port 22
Once you connect, type your admin user and pass- Uninstall MagicMirror
Run these commands to completely remove the existing MagicMirror setup:
Stop and Remove the Container
bashsudo docker stop magicmirror
sudo docker rm magicmirror
Remove the Image
bashsudo docker rmi karsten13/magicmirror:latest
Delete Configuration Files
(Optional, if you want a clean start):sudo rm -rf /volume1/docker/magicmirror
- Install MagicMirror
Follow these steps to reinstall MagicMirror:
Create Necessary Directories
Copy code
mkdir -p /volume1/docker/magicmirror/{config,modules,css}
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /volume1/docker/magicmirror
Pull the MagicMirror Imagesudo docker pull karsten13/magicmirror:latest
Run the MagicMirror Containersudo docker run -d
–name magicmirror
–publish 8036:8080
–restart unless-stopped
-e TZ=America/Chicago
–volume /volume1/docker/magicmirror/config:/opt/magic_mirror/config
–volume /volume1/docker/magicmirror/modules:/opt/magic_mirror/modules
–volume /volume1/docker/magicmirror/css:/opt/magic_mirror/css
karsten13/magicmirror:latest- Verify the Installation
Check that the container is running:
sudo docker ps
Look for magicmirror in the list.
The STATUS column should say Up.
Open MagicMirror in your browser:http://<Your_NAS_IP>:8036
Replace <Your_NAS_IP> with your Synology NAS’s IP address in your web browser - Uninstall MagicMirror
@techeros Sorry. But you can use the container manager gui in the Web interface for most of the job. No need to pull or remove any images on the shell manually.
Sure, If you could so kindly point me to the documentation, Id love to. Im just getting started with Containers on my synology and have been fighting tooth and nail to get it installed.If I select the image kristen13 and install non of the directories are created, nothing works.
If You use the manual instructions i posted, it works (for me). I have a lot to learn here so , if im way off-base i’m all ears.
Thanks for chiming in
T -
@wishmaster270 my 416j+ doesn’t officially support docker, so there is no ui.