Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Carousel Pagination Icons
In the Pages.js, it appears the author is hardcoding the indicator buttons.for (let i = 0; i < this.config.pages; i += 1) { const circle = document.createElement('i'); if (this.curPage === i) { circle.className = 'fa fa-circle indicator'; if (this.config.activeBright) { circle.className += ' bright'; } } else { circle.className = 'fa indicator';
Just editing the CSS wouldn’t change the icon itself. Similar to what I did for the Carousel, you would need to pass your array of icons to the .js
@doriangrey no… we worked out how to do it in css…
for example
one entry like this for each page indicator (nth-child(x) to select the correct thing to override).MMM-page-indicator div.module-content div i:nth-child(2)::before { content: "\f055"; // <-- icon code goes here font-family: FontAwesome; }
@doriangrey yeh, css tricky stuff. there is ALWAYS a way
Just to show what the final edits look like in my custom.css and how that looks on my mirror, for the good of the group:
The content entries are the unicodes for the respective icons found on Font Awesome’s website (
For example, F073 in the first entry (for nth-child(1)) is for a calendar-days Font Awesome icon:
You can see this icon, and all others used on my MagicMirror display to change pages, in the red box of the screenshot below:
Thank you @sdetweil for your help, as always!
I hope this helps others looking to accomplish the same thing!
@BerkSmash1984 and he only has that many entries because he has that many pages defined
@sdetweil Yup!
That is correct, I have 10 unique pages on my MM display. Happy to share more info of my config if anyone needs it.
I did share a lot of info on my display (some small things have changed since then) in my post below:
Hello ,
By making a small modification, I colored each icon with a different color.Line 588 of MMM-carousel.js, I removed the Style.
label.innerHTML = “<i class='”+Object.values(this.config.icons)[i]+“>”;
I copied it into each icon line of config.js.
icons: {
1: “fa-solid fa-sun’ style=‘color: #ffff00;’”,
2: “fa-solid fa-house-flood-water’ style=‘color: #718fea;’”,
3: “fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation’ style=‘color: #0099ff;’”,
4: “fa-solid fa-gas-pump’ style=‘color: #ff0000;’”,
5: “fa-solid fa-calendar-days’ style=‘color: #ffcc00;’”,
6: “fa-solid fa-person-walking-luggage’ style=‘color: #00cccc;’”,
7: “fa-brands fa-spotify’ style=‘color: #009933;’”,
8: “fa-solid fa-person-hiking’ style=‘color: #ffffff;’”,
9: “fa-solid fa-video’ style=‘color: #cc00ff;’”,
10: “fa-brands fa-raspberry-pi’ style=‘color: #ff0000;’”,
11: “fa-solid fa-umbrella’ style=‘color: #999999;’”,
12: “fa-solid fa-image-portrait’ style=‘color: #ff6600;’”
}, -
@Philip-0 you could do the same in css.
I also use pages and page indicator with 7 pages and have successfully replaced the circles with colored icons as described above, thank you for that!!Is there a way to highlight the icons or make them a little bigger, like with the hollow and solid circles, so you can see which page you are on?